» Data Warehouse » Heritage Unit Program » UP 1996 (Espee)

Southern Pacific - UP 1996

The above image is of a banner displayed on a fence at the unveiling of the Rio Grande Heritage Unit

Summary Information
Previous Unit Number UP 8523
Date Unveiled August 19, 2006
Location of Unveiling Roseville, CA
Unveiled at Formal Event? Yes
Paint Scheme Colors primarily represent Espee's Daylight Scheme with some hints of the Black Widow scheme there to. Black Widow type scheme on the nose transitioning into a Daylight Scheme on the long hood. Black along the top and bottom with silver trucks. No apparent sign of the Bloody Nose scheme at all.
Typical Route for Unit Unit currently tends to run across the former Espee main between Roseville, CA and Roper, UT. Unit is usually on the MRVRO/MRORV.
This Page Last Updated 12/6/2006 9:00:00 AM
Date Repainted to UP

Unit Updates
12/6/2006 - UP 1996 has arrived in Seattle, WA on the IOASE-03.
12/4/2006 - After completing its Officers Special duties for the time being, UP 1996 departs Oakland, CA on the IOASE-03 headed for Seattle, WA.
12/3/2006 - UP 1996 arrives in Oakland, CA on the Officers Special SLBOA-02.
12/2/2006 - After a brief stay in Las Vegas, UP 1996 returns to Dolores Yard in the Los Angeles, CA area on the SLVLB-02. Later in the day, UP 1996 departs north on the SLBOA-02 on an Officers Special running north up the Coast Line for Oakland, CA. (link)
12/1/2006 - UP 1996 departs West Colton, CA on the SWCLV-01, an Officers Special headed for Las Vegas, NV. (link)
11/29/2006 - UP 1996 again runs on the LA Hauler from Los Angeles, CA to West Colton, CA.
11/27/2006 - UP 1996 is released from the shops in West Colton, CA and returns to Los Angeles, CA on the J-Hauler.
11/26/2006 - UP 1996 is placed in the shops in West Colton, CA.
11/23/2006 - UP 1996 departs Tucson, AZ on the QTUWC-23 to return to West Colton, CA.
11/21/2006 - UP 1996 departs West Colton, CA on the QWCTU-21 headed for Tucson, AZ on the Sunset Route.
11/20/2006 - UP 1996 leads the Los Angeles to West Colton Hauler, perhaps to run on a train east on the Sunset Route.
11/17/2006 - UP 1996 departs Brooklyn Yard in Portland, OR on the ZBRLC-17 headed for Los Angeles, CA.
11/15/2006 - UP 1996 departs Seattle, WA on the ISEBA-15 headed for Barnes Yard in Portland, OR.
11/13/2006 - After arriving in Brooklyn, OR, UP 1996 continues north on the IBRSE-13 headed for Seattle, WA.
11/12/2006 - UP 1996 departs Los Angeles on the ZLCBR-12 headed up the Coast Line for Barnes Yard in Portland, OR. (link)
11/11/2006 - After running down the former Espee Coast Line, UP 1996 arrives in Los Angeles, CA.
11/9/2006 - UP 1996 departs from Roseville, CA bound for Los Angeles, CA, running down Southern Pacific's Coast Line.
11/8/2006 - UP 1996 has been released from the shops and is ready for assignment.
11/7/2006 - After arriving on the MRORV, UP 1996 is placed in the shops in Roseville, CA.
10/30/2006 - UP 1996 departs Roper, UT on the MRORV-30 bound for Roseville, CA. The unit may be in captive service (it is not joined with sister unit UP 1983, WP).
10/29/2006 - UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1989 (DRGW) are spilt apart in Roper, UT. UP 1996 awaits it next assignment.
10/28/2006 - UP 1995 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1989 (DRGW) continue on their OLS Special in the Salt Lake City, UT area. Today was the last day for the special and UP 1996 arrives in Salt Lake at 5:12pm.
10/27/2006 - UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1989 (Espee) continue on their OLS Special in the Provo, UT area. After dark, the units return to North Salt Lake City.
10/26/2006 - UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1989 (DRGW) run on their OLS Special in the American Fork-Lehi area before returning to Salt Lake City in the afternoon, and then back to Provo again in the evening. (link)
10/25/2006 - UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1989 (DRGW) run on an Operation Lifesaver Special in the Provo, UT area.
10/24/2006 - UP 1996 is released from the shops in Roper, UT and is ready for general assignment. Later in the day, UP 1996 and sister heritage unit UP 1989 (DRGW), paired for the first time, run from Roper to Provo, UT on an Operation Lifesaver Special.
10/20/2006 - UP 1996 is placed in the shops in Roper, UT.
10/11/2006 - UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1983 (WP) depart Roper, UT on the MRORV-11 bound for Roseville, CA, perhaps in captive service.
10/8/2006 - After a week in Operation Lifesaver duty, UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1983 (WP) arrive in Roseville, CA and later depart on the MRVRO-08 bound for Roper, UT
10/7/2006 - UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1983 (WP) depart Fresno, CA bound again for Stockton, CA on the Operation Lifesaver train.
10/6/2006 - UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1983 (WP) arrive in Fresno, CA on an Operation Lifesaver train.
10/3/2006 - UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1983 (WP) arrive in Stockton, CA for a few days on an Operation Lifesaver train.
10/2/2006 - UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1983 (WP) run in the Sacramento area on an Operation Lifesaver train. UP 1996 is on one end and UP 1983 is on the opposite end of the train.
10/1/2006 - UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1983 (WP) arrive in Roseville, CA and are held for an Operation Lifesaver train.
9/7/2006 - UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1983 (WP) depart Roseville, CA on the MRVRO-07 headed for Roper, UT, perhaps in captive service.
9/5/2006 - UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1983 (WP) depart Eugene, OR on the QPWRV-05 headed for Roseville, CA.
9/3/2006 - UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1983 (WP) take the Portland and Western train the Eugene Hauler out to Ashahr, OR. (link)
8/30/2006 - UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1983 (WP) are removed from the QPDWC-29 in Stockton, CA. The pair return to Roseville, CA in the middle of the night on a hauler train. Later in the day, both units depart Roseville, CA on the MRVPW-30 headed for Eugene, OR, supposidly for interchange on the Portland and Western railroad.
8/29/2006 - UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1983 (WP) depart Portland, OR on the QPDWC-29 headed south toward West Colton, CA. (link)
8/27/2006 - After an overnight stay in Portland, OR, UP 1996 and sister Heritage Unit UP 1983 (WP) depart south on the QPDWC-27. Train is estimated to arrive in West Colton on August 29 at 9:07p.
8/24/2006 - After spending several days in the shops at Roseville fixing minor problems, UP 1996 is paired with sister Heritage Unit UP 1983 (WP). The two units head north on the MRVPT-24 toward Portland, OR.
8/19/2006 - UP 1996 is unveiled at Roseville, CA prior to the official ceremony. The tarp was removed around 5am hidden from view in the shops. The unit was moved into place (for the ceremony) around 8:30am PDT. (link)
8/16/2006 - UP 1996 arrived in Roseville, CA on the MNPRV-13 in the morning hours.
8/13/2006 - UP 1996 arrives in North Platte and is moved over to the MNPRV-13. The train departs westbound in the afternoon.
8/11/2006 - UP 1996 departs from Proviso on the QPRNP-11 with blue tarp tightly secured for its trip west to Roseville. (link)
7/17/2006 - UP 8523 is spotted by Chris Keating in Butler, WI. UP appears to be keeping the unit close to the interchange with the Wisconsin Southern in preparations for movement to Horicon for painting.
6/28/2006 - UP 8523 is spotted by Chuck Frey leading an eastbound train out of Butler, WI. UP 8523 will be repainted as the Espee Heritage Unit for unveiling on August 19, 2006. (link)
6/23/2006 - It is announced that the Espee unit will be unveiled at the Jerry Davis Yard in Roseville, CA on August 19, 2006.
5/1/2006 - It is believed that the Espee unit will be unveiled in Roseville, CA sometime in mid-August.
7/31/2005 - In a press release, Union Pacific announces that they will include an SP unit in their Heritage Series.
Note: Red Text in the status above indicates the unit is significantly away from its heritage railroads "home" rails.

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