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Photo ID: 105300
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, July 11, 2015 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
MP 201.4
Fremont County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
A set of intermediate signals sit quietly along Tennessee Pass. No power has been provided to these signals in nearly 18 years! The lower head on the signal to the right could only show a single color: lunar. When a westbound came past the signal (headed uphill), the upper head would turn red and the lower head (lunar) would illuminate. This would allow any following westbound to proceed past the red signal without stopping. At all other times, the lower head would remain dark.
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Photo ID: 105299
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, July 11, 2015 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
MP 201
Fremont County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific
A few miles west of Vallie, the tracks of Tennessee Pass run parallel to the Arkansas River. While mother nature has done her best to reclaim must of the line, there are still places such as this in which the right of way lies virtually untouched by encroaching foliage. The rails are rusty and the ties are old, but all things considered, the tracks don't look horrible.
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