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Photo ID: 104265
Date Shot
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Saturday, May 12, 2012 Kevin Morgan
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Royal Gorge
Canon City, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Canon City and Royal Gorge
After completing its stop at Hanging Bridge at the base of the Incline Railway, the Canon City Royal Gorge tourist train continues east back toward Canon City where it's passengers will disembark after their 2 1/2 hour tour of the gorge. The train operates in a push-pull fashion, so there are F7A's on either end of the train.
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Photo ID: 104261
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, May 12, 2012 Kevin Morgan
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Royal Gorge
Canon City, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Canon City and Royal Gorge
The Canon City Royal Gorge tourist train stops at Hanging Bridge to allow passengers the opportunity to observe the magnificent Royal Gorge. Next to the open coach car, you can see the platform where the Incline Railway stops at the bottom of the canyon.
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Photo ID: 104260
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, May 12, 2012 Kevin Morgan
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Royal Gorge
Canon City, CO
(1 Comment Posted)
Tennessee Pass (UP) Canon City and Royal Gorge
You can't look at this picture and tell me Rio Grande wasn't an amazing railroad! The Canon City Royal Gorge railroad owns the portion of Tennessee Pass through the Royal Gorge. Below, you can see the tourist train snaking along the Arkansas River through the narrowest parts of the gorge.
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Photo ID: 104259
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, May 12, 2012 Kevin Morgan
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Royal Gorge
Canon City, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Canon City and Royal Gorge
Afraid of heights? Don't look down! The Royal Gorge Bridge was built in 1929 and still has wooden planks running across it. While walking across the bridge, I stopped at this 1-inch gap between planks to get a shot of the tracks 1,000 feet below!
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Photo ID: 100089
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, October 19, 2002 Kevin Morgan
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Royal Gorge 1653
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Canon City and Royal Gorge
After Tennessee Pass was shut down by UP in 1997, the Cañon City and Royal Gorge Railroad began operations. The scenic railroad runs between Cañon City and Parkdale, moving through the depths of the Royal Gorge.
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