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Photo ID: 104643
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Saturday, March 8, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
The Zephyr makes its way back down Track 4, the conductor standing in the door of the last Superliner to protect the shove back. An interested passenger paces along the train as it moves slowly backward.
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Photo ID: 104644
Date Shot
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Saturday, March 8, 2014 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
The conductor for the Zephyr is on the ground, talking to the engineer on the head end. The Zephyr is picking up a private car, and the conductor is telling the engineer (in feet) how far is left before making the join. The two worked well together, earning applause from a group of passengers that watched the operation.
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Photo ID: 104645
Date Shot
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Saturday, March 8, 2014 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
I very much look forward to the next time I am able to board a Superliner for a journey! I really hope that, at some point, I get the opportunity to ride in a Sleeping Car...something that I have not yet had the priviledge of doing! Note the yellow light location to the left of the door. This is a visual indicator that the air brakes on this Superliner are applied. Once released, the light will turn green.
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Photo ID: 104646
Date Shot
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Saturday, March 8, 2014 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
"Highball Denver!" The Zephyr is departing Track 4 and Train Hall 51 minutes late. There was a slight delay during the process of getting some "private varnish" attached at the tail end.
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Photo ID: 104647
Date Shot
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Saturday, March 8, 2014 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) San Louis and Rio Grande
Safe travels! The "Colorado Pine", a private car owned by the San Luis and Rio Grande, pulls away from Train Hall behind Union Station in Denver.
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Photo ID: 104648
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, March 8, 2014 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
The neon sign is not currently illuminated on the back side of Union Station. Hopefully, this is as a result of the ongoing construction and not the result of a change in policy!
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Photo ID: 104649
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, March 8, 2014 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
Although Amtrak has departed, I stuck around for a few extra minutes to take a few night shots of the now-deserted platforms of Train Hall. The silver cabinets with the orange connectors at the base are labeled "Amtrak Shore Power Cabinet". This implies that power is available to private cars parked at the station.
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Photo ID: 104650
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, March 8, 2014 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
A wide-angle look at the southwest "canopy" over Train Hall behind Union Station. Tracks 4 and 5 (right and left, respectively) can be utilized by non-commuter rail trains such as Amtrak. It is nice to know there are two such tracks so, in July, Cheyenne Frontier Days will have a place to stay!
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