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Photo ID: 105280
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Saturday, July 11, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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West Parkdale
Parkdale, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific
A coal train on Tennessee Pass!? Not exactly...when you have miles of inactive track just sitting and collecting rust, it is the perfect place to store surplus railcars! These high side (bathtub) gondolas are now also sitting and collecting rust due to the significant decrease in the demand for coal in the last three years.
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Photo ID: 105279
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Saturday, July 11, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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East Parkdale
Parkdale, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Canon City and Royal Gorge
The switch at the east end of Parkdale is still active and (fairly well) maintained. When the Royal Gorge Route tourist train exists the west end of the gorge, it pulls up to Parkdale. The crew then moves to the end of the train where an engine is already set, pointed east. The crew climbs onboard and the train departs east back for Canon City.
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Photo ID: 105278
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Saturday, July 11, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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East Parkdale
Parkdale, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Canon City and Royal Gorge
This shot shows the east end of the siding of Parkdale on Tennessee Pass. This is about as far west as the as you'll see a train still move over the rail of Tennessee Pass. This portion of track is actually owned by the Royal Gorge Route Railroad, and sees a few tourist trains each day.
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Photo ID: 104266
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Saturday, May 12, 2012 Kevin Morgan
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Canon City
Canon City, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Canon City and Royal Gorge
There is a lot of history in this picture! This old SD9 is decades old and just happens to be living out its golden years on familiar rails. This SD9 was delivered to Rio Grande as a high nose unit (that was later rebuilt as a low nose unit). It lived is previous life as DRGW 5305 and can now continue on in a familiar paint scheme on home rails.
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Photo ID: 104265
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Saturday, May 12, 2012 Kevin Morgan
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Royal Gorge
Canon City, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Canon City and Royal Gorge
After completing its stop at Hanging Bridge at the base of the Incline Railway, the Canon City Royal Gorge tourist train continues east back toward Canon City where it's passengers will disembark after their 2 1/2 hour tour of the gorge. The train operates in a push-pull fashion, so there are F7A's on either end of the train.
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Photo ID: 104264
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Saturday, May 12, 2012 Kevin Morgan
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Hanging Bridge
Canon City, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Canon City and Royal Gorge
The Canon City Royal Gorge tourist operation started a few years after UP "railbanked" (or idled) Tennessee Pass. The operated a few passengers trains over the 11-mile stretch between Canon City and Parkdale (and back). Today, they actual own the rails for that 11-mile stretch (although UP still has trackage rights should the line ever reopen as a through route). You can definitely tell the (very classy) tourist outfit respects the history of the Royal Gorge in its paint scheme.
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Photo ID: 104263
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Saturday, May 12, 2012 Kevin Morgan
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Hanging Bridge
Canon City, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Canon City and Royal Gorge
The Canon City Royal Gorge tourist train makes a 10-15 minute stop at Hanging Bridge to give people a chance to check out Hanging Bridge and the narrowest part of the gorge. If you are at Hanging Bridge by way of the incline railway (part of the Royal Gorge Park), then you can walk along the tracks right at the base of the canyon.
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Photo ID: 104262
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Saturday, May 12, 2012 Kevin Morgan
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Hanging Bridge
Canon City, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Canon City and Royal Gorge
For me, this was the "money shot" for the day. The Canon City Royal Gorge tourist train is making its way back east through the canyon from Parkdale. The train is crossing over Hanging Bridge in this shot. This part of the gorge was so narrow, there were no outcroppings to build the rail over. So, a bridge was built that was suspended from above (note the trusses). Amazing concept...even more so because it was thought up and built in the 1879!
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Photo ID: 104261
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Saturday, May 12, 2012 Kevin Morgan
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Royal Gorge
Canon City, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Canon City and Royal Gorge
The Canon City Royal Gorge tourist train stops at Hanging Bridge to allow passengers the opportunity to observe the magnificent Royal Gorge. Next to the open coach car, you can see the platform where the Incline Railway stops at the bottom of the canyon.
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Photo ID: 104260
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Saturday, May 12, 2012 Kevin Morgan
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Royal Gorge
Canon City, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Canon City and Royal Gorge
You can't look at this picture and tell me Rio Grande wasn't an amazing railroad! The Canon City Royal Gorge railroad owns the portion of Tennessee Pass through the Royal Gorge. Below, you can see the tourist train snaking along the Arkansas River through the narrowest parts of the gorge.
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Photo ID: 104259
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Saturday, May 12, 2012 Kevin Morgan
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Royal Gorge
Canon City, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Canon City and Royal Gorge
Afraid of heights? Don't look down! The Royal Gorge Bridge was built in 1929 and still has wooden planks running across it. While walking across the bridge, I stopped at this 1-inch gap between planks to get a shot of the tracks 1,000 feet below!
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Photo ID: 103995
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 262.8 (East Kobe)
Twin Lakes, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Here is a portion of Tennessee Pass that never even had the chance to be converted from jointed rail to welded rail! East of Kobe, the mainline is still all "stick track". The classic Rio Grande scoria ballast looks fantastic though, as does the 35 MPH speed sign.
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Photo ID: 103994
Date Shot
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 262.8 (East Kobe)
Twin Lakes, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
The clouds started to play havoc on me by the time I made it to the east switch of Kobe (my last stop on this short journey over some of Tennessee Pass). Looking west, like at so many other locations, the siding name has worn completely off the signal box. And, it would appear, the dwarf signal on the siding has been completely removed, probably for parts.
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Photo ID: 103993
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 270.7 (East Malta)
Leadville, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Look east out the east end of Malta, the name has all but been worn off of the signal control box. Unlike several other locations, the signal at east Malta is still standing, apparently intact.
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Photo ID: 103992
Date Shot
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 270.7 (East Malta)
Leadville, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Even at 10,000 feet, the weeds are making descent progress at burying the siding near the east end of the siding of Malta. This is the siding closest to Leadville and the location where the lead to the yard at Leadville left the mainline. The lead and the yard in Leadville were remove many, many years ago.
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