Posted By Joe Snider On Sunday, January 4, 2009 At 6:07:38 PM (PT)
Seems doubtful that any normal operating condition could produce such paint damage. Must be a mishap of some kind. Serious leadage in the exhaust sytem which is under the hood at that point collecting and moveing exhaust forward to the turbo and out to a0tmosphere could be an explanation. Such a severe leak would cause the governor to go into rebalance account of severely low air box pressure. Rebalance would cut back the fuel racks to account for the air shortage but couldn't restore proper A/F raatio for a large leak.
Posted By Webmaster On Sunday, January 4, 2009 At 3:04:23 PM (PT)
Doug, I'm not sure if the unit actually caught fire, or if it just ran a little too hot at one point and burned the paint off.
Posted By Doug Young On Sunday, January 4, 2009 At 8:48:03 AM (PT)
Did this unit catch on fire at some point?