An AC4400CW with a fairly fresh coat of paint, sporting some wings on the nose, rounds the bend near the west end of Cedar Point. This siding, which is under 5,000 feet long, really is not even a siding anymore after UP removed the east switch a few years ago. It is now a stub train just under 5,000 feet in length.
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Posted By Webmaster On Saturday, April 18, 2020 At 5:47:28 PM (PT)
Luke, I believe it was to reduce maintenance costs. The siding is too short to be used for meets, so keeping one switch (to access the tracker for storage, etc) while removing one switch decreases the cost of switch maintenance by 50%.
Posted By Luke On Friday, April 17, 2020 At 10:52:47 PM (PT)
Any idea why UP removed the switch from the siding?