My name is Kevin Morgan and I have been involved in photography since I was a kid. My Dad loved photography and taught me how to roll my own rolls of film as well as develop black and white film and make black and white prints in our darkroom at home.
When the digital age really started right around 2000, I could hardly wait to get a digital camera. Being a college student at the time, I couldn't afford buying and developing film. Digital had a high up-front cost, but a low recurring cost afterward. Unfortunately I couldn't afford that high up front cost either until almost two years after finishing school. I got my first Digital SLR - a Canon D60 - in October 2003.
Since then, I've used nothing but Canon products. Not because I necessarily think Canon is superior to Nikon, but because lenses are not interchangable between Canon and Nikon. If I switched to Nikon, I'd have to repurchase all my lenses. I do think, however, that Canon and Nikon are the two best digital camera makers out there today. I've used a Canon Rebel XT, Canon 20D and Canon 30D. Unfortunately, I finally wore out my Rebel XT after shooting well over 100,000 pictures with it. It served me quite well. Now, I have a Canon 7D on order and am anxiously awaiting for it to arrive.
I typically shoot well over 100,000 pictures in the average year. Being an avid railfan (one who loves trains), I primary shoot trains. However, I really enjoy sports photography and I have also shot several weddings and a couple of airshows too.