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Ski Train Completes 2007 Summer Season
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Sunday, August 19, 2007 - The Ansco Ski Train, which has operated for over sixty years between Denver, CO and Winter Park, CO, has made it a habit to make several runs up to Winter Park during the summer. This year, the train made eight runs - once each Saturday between June 30th and August 18th.  
The train departs from Denver a bit later in the summer, and departs from Winter Park a bit earlier, making for a shorter day. Passengers are free to bring along their bikes utilizing the "Bike Car" for no extra charge. In Winter Park, guests might hike, mountain bike, jog, shop in town, or just enjoy the fresh air of the Colorado High Country.  
Saturday, August 18th, was the last run for the train of this summer season. Now, the train goes back into storage at Burnham in Denver until the winter season starts up again in late December. Click here for some shots of the last summer run west (for this year anyway).

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