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GrandLuxe Limited Starts Season
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 - Hello-  
In an attempt to "change things up" a bit, GrandLuxe Rail Journeys is trying something new this year. Rather than running the entire train (formerly the American Orient Express) around the country, GLR has contracted with Amtrak and seven GLR cars have been added to the back end of one Amtrak train.  
For now, the cars are running on the back of one California Zephyr set between Chicago and Emeryville. Once the cars are done on the Zephyr, they will make a few round trips between Chicago and LA on the Southwest Chief. Then it is off to the Silver Meteor running between DC and Miami. Shortly after the start of the new year, the cars will come back to Colorado (to GLR owner, Colorado Railcar) before starting the next full season.  
I was trackside at Leyden this morning at the first GrandLuxe Limited ran west on the back of Number 5. Interesting seeing three P42's up front on Amtrak; that seldomly happens these days!  
Along with the GLR pictures, I've added a few from last Thursday (BNSF through Boulder) and one also from this morning of the MNYPV coming into the siding at Leyden. Click here to view all the pictures.

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