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DRGW 5371 Heads North
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Friday, March 7, 2008 - Retirement seems more and more likely for 5371. It is not headed to Burnham for work as we all probably had hoped. Instead, it is on the lineup for the MNYNP-07 (North Yard to North Platte, NE), set to depart North Yard around 2:00pm this afternoon. 5371 is reportedly the 8th of 8 units.  
According to what I've heard, it is indeed supposed to be setout in Cheyenne. This would be consistent with the instructions in 5371's file: "Send to Cheyenne for retirement". It is also reported that it is to be sent to Cheyenne to Steve Lee. Steve Lee is responsible for the amazing heritage program UP has (not the so-called "Heritage Units"). The heritage program includes both steams engines, the DD40AX and the E-units. We'll see what happens next.

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