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Ouch! EMD 9501 gets a makeover!?
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Thursday, March 13, 2008 - You may recall that a few months ago, EMD 9501 came through Denver on its way to the Tacoma, WA area. Here are a few shots if you don't recall. EMD 9501 was BN 9501 back in the early-to-mid 1990's. It is one of only four SD60MAC's ever produced. Indeed EMD prototypes for AC traction!  
Nobody was really sure why it was going to Tacoma. Some speculated that it might be for a new paint job. Well, that paint job may yet come, but that doesn't appear to be the main purpose for its visit. Check out this photo (posted on, sent to me by Nathan Holmes (webmaster of It looks like it is somewhere between an SD60MAC and an SD70ACe!?!?  
What a curious project! ....

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