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UP 6936 Comes Through Colorado
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 - Today UP ran its officers special (symbol: SGJSS-14) across the state from Grand Junction, CO to Sharon Springs, KS. It is part of a near 3-week-long sprint across a good portion of UP's system.  
Those on the train can observe the tracks and presumably the traffic along the system as the train goes. As an added bonus, UP 6936 was the sole power for the train. UP 6936 is the only active DDA40X on the rails today. It is nearly 100 feet in length an an impressive site to see.  
Many railfans took the day off work to chase the special from Grand Junction east. For reasons I haven't yet figured out, I didn't take the day off and could only get a few shots in between Blue Mountain and Leyden. Here are the shots I took this afternoon.  
The train descended the Front Range between (roughly) 12pm and 1:30pm on its journey east. After a quick crew change in Denver, it was off to the Limon Sub (the KP Line) to continue eastward.  
Kevin Morgan  

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