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Two New Features
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Friday, September 23, 2011 - Good Afternoon. Hopefully everyone is enjoying (or did enjoy) their Friday.  
I wanted to let everyone know about two new features that I have added to the website. The first is one that, I'll admit, was more for myself and I added it out of curiosity. It is a "Photo Calendar". It shows a calendar month and displays a thumbnail on any day that I went out and took pictures. The thumbnail is randomly selected from that day:  
The second feature is one I think most people will find far more useful. I am closing in on 4,000 pictures on the website now and lot of different engines and railroads are represented. So, I thought it was time for a quick and easy method of searching for and displaying pictures of units! The new roster search page allows you to select any or all of three criteria: Railroad, Model or Unit Number. So, if you just want to see all the BNSF pictures on the site you can. Or, if you just want to see all the SD70ACe pictures. Or only units with the number 5371 (regardless of railroad). Or only DRGW GP40-2s. There are plenty of combinations! Here is a link...check it out and see what you think:  
Have a great weekend! Supposed to be a nice one for those of you in the Colorado area.  
Kevin Morgan  

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