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News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Friday, November 4, 2011 - Hello-  
Hope everyone is having a good week. I wanted to send out an email and let everyone know that, in an attempt to keep up with the 21st Century and with "Social Media", is now on Twitter!  
I have installed the Twitter App for my iPhone which will allow me to update Twitter while I am track side with any relevant information. I may also try posting photos taken on my iPhone on the Twitter feed. I will also post any website updates to Twitter as well.  
Following is easy! I am @CORailfan on Twitter right now. Unfortunately, @ColoradoRailfan has already been taken by somebody that hasn't actually used it to "Tweet" in two years! If anybody knows who has it currently, I'd like to get in touch with him to see if he'd be willing to let me use it.  
Everyone enjoy your weekend! We'll try this out and see how it works...  
Kevin Morgan  

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