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Denver's Ski Train: A Last Look
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Friday, February 3, 2012 - Good Friday Afternoon-  
This winter is now the third winter season without a Ski Train running west out of Denver. The final run of the train was on Sunday, March 29th, 2009. The train had a very unceremonious ending. While I think most railfans figured the train was running on borrowed time, we also figured we'd have advanced warning of the final season. Yet less than two months after that last run, the train was sold and headed north to Canada.  
I have put together a show in tribute to the train. I loved shooting it and tried to get out at least one day each weekend that it ran. These pictures (with the exception of two) were taken between 2002 and 2009. There are two pictures in the "summer" section of the show that were taken in 1998. I'll bet you can figure out which two they are!  
I created two versions of the show. One that is just the slideshow and a second that has pop-up commentary. Most slides in this version have pop-ups indicating the location of the photo or other notes about the shot.  
This is a Photodex ProShow, so you do need a plugin to be able to watch it. The web browser plug-in is free and located near the bottom of this page:  
The show is nearly 20 minutes long, so grab a drink and get comfortable before watching! Here is the link:  
Hope you enjoy the show and have a great weekend.  
Kevin Morgan  

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