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Two More Rio Grande Units Fall!
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Friday, August 12, 2005 - Another two Rio Grande units have been lost to yellow patches. DRGW 3109 (Search Photo Gallery) and 3111 (Search Photo Gallery) were both patched at Burnham this week, becoming UP 1364 and UP 1363, respectively. Union Pacific has put out a mandate that all remaining Rio Grande units are to be patched at their next inspection without fail. Now that these two units have been patched, that leaves a total of ten unpatched Rio Grande units active in the world: seven GP40-2's (3100, 3105, 3110, 3117, 3118, 3121, and 3129), two SD40T-2's (5371 and 5390), and one SD50 (5507). DRGW 5371 is due for an inspection in the next week, so we shall see what happens!

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