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Stacks on the Front Range Sub
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Saturday, November 19, 2005 - Today I went out shooting for a little while on the Front Range Sub. I heard the Union Pacific would not be doing much today, so the Front Range seemed like a good place to start. As it turns out, it was a great place to start! When heading out, there was a northbound QDENTAC that was waiting to go into the siding at Broomfield to meet with a STCPDEN and the daily MLAUDEN. As it turned out, all three trains wound up at Broomfield at roughly the same time. It was very cool seeing two doublestacks meeting at Broomfield, so I was glad I was able to get some pictures of the two meeting. Plus, the MLAUDEN had a brand new (two week old) ES44DC with the BNSF "Wedgie" scheme on the point.

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