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Snowy and Cold in Cheyenne
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Sunday, December 18, 2005 - Yesterday, a friend of mine (Damian) and myself headed out early to see what action we could find in the Denver area. We headed west to try and catch Amtrak somewhere on the snowy Moffat Tunnel Subdivision. We quickly discovered that there had been a derailment between Plain and Crescent, shutting down the line. Amtrak arrived in Denver on-time and waited for two hours to see if they could get the line re-opened. Unfortunately for Amtrak passengers headed to points between Denver and Salt Lake, there was no such luck. Amtrak left Denver shortly after 10am and headed north on the Greeley Sub. As such, Damian and I headed north as well, catching up with Amtrak at Terry Ranch Road, just south of Speer Junction. We were very satisfied with the snow on the ground up in Wyoming, and spent the day in the Cheyenne area. Here are ten shots from the day. Included in the pictures is a shot of UP 9847 (ex-DRGW 5504) on a manifest just west of Cheyenne.

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