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Derailment in Tunnel 30
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Friday, January 27, 2006 - Welcome (almost) to the weekend. Last weekend was a bad one for Union Pacific on the Moffat. An eastbound coal load (the CBRIR-19) derailed 15 cars at MP 40.3, right at tunnel 30. In fact, nine of those cars derailed inside the tunnel itself. Two of those cars somehow became parallel to one another in the tunnel and got stuck in the east portal of the tunnel! Consequently, the line was completely shut down for 48 hours to get the mess cleaned up! The Ski Train stayed in Winter Park, chartering busses to send customers home. It sounds as though the Ski Train handled the situation with nothing but the customer in mind! Customers were allowed to stay on the train for the night, free of charge, if they could make no other arrangements. In additional, all customers received a full refund for the day. The Sunday Ski Train was canceled completely. The Moffat has been pretty busy this week and trains on both sides of the derailment try to catch up from the down time.

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