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UP Special Sneaks Through Denver
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Thursday, March 9, 2006 - A Union Pacific passenger train special tried to sneak through Denver yesterday but it wasn't quite quick enough! The train was a special run for retiring UP CEO Dick Davidson. Davidson stepped down as CEO in 2005 but remains Chairman of the Board. The Special came across the KP line in Eastern Colorado as the SSIDV. The train struck a car in Watkins and was delayed about an hour on the eastern plains.  
It arrived in Denver around 4:00pm and made its way through 36th street and across the Belt Line into North Yard (over one of the Belt Bypasses) where a fresh crew was waiting. The train departed west and left C&S Junction (as the SDVPV) at 4:30pm. After getting off work and running home to pick up my daughters (my wife had to go to class), I couldn't catch the train anywhere on the Front Range. However, I did catch up to the train at Crescent and got three nice shots up there soon before the sun completely set.

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