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Amtrak 5 - Winter Park to Glenwood
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Thursday, April 20, 2006 - Now that the Ski Train is over with, I'm applying this philosophy to another very likely "nothing lasts forever" candidate...Amtrak! This past weekend, I got a few shots of Amtrak 5 heading west between Leyden and Plain on Saturday, and Damian (see the Contributors Gallery to get a sample of his work) and myself spent the day yesterday chasing Amtrak between Winter Park and Glenwood Springs. Now Amtrak doesn't seem to be in any imminent danger right now, but it is a struggle to get funding each and every year and since Amtrak has never once made a dime in profit, who knows what the future will bring. The chase between Winter Park and Glenwood was an exciting one! At times, getting ahead of Amtrak was a piece of cake. At other time, it was difficult (even impossible) to keep up with them. Look for a Train Log to be made about this chase sometime this week as I think it was worth documenting!  
In some other news over the weekend, BNSF ran an empty Boeing train (consisting of 20 or so cars) came south on the Front Range Sub and then continued south on the Joint Line. The train started in Missoula, MT and is heading toward Newton, KS. Since I was chasing Amtrak on the west side of the divide when the train came south, I was not able to get any pictures. However, a good portion of the Colorado Contingent of Railfans was out to see the train, and for those of you with memberships, you can see some of the pictures on this thread at That's it for now! Have a great week.

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