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UP 1901 Return to Denver
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Friday, March 16, 2007 - Well, after a three year hiatus in Pueblo, UP 1901 (ex-DRGW 3155) has returned to Denver! In 2004, UP 1900 and UP 1901 left Denver and headed to Pueblo for local work. Every 92-days (give or take), they would come back to Denver for a few days before returning to Pueblo.  
Unfortunately, UP 1900 was stolen away from Pueblo and is currently in the North Little Rock - Pine Bluff Arkansas area. A few days ago, UP 1901 came back to Denver on the MPUNY for its 92-day inspection. The inspection went as normal, however, once completed, UP 1901 did not return south!  
On my way home from Boulder today, I noticed the Rocky Local on the Rocky Spur heading south. I stopped for some shots, and only after looking through the viewfinder did I realize the lead unit was UP 1901. So, here are the shots of UP 1901 back in action on the Rocky Local. Included in this link are two from the Ski Train getting back into Denver this evening.

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