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Another 20th Century Update
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 - Some might not consider a mere ten years ago to be nostalgic in the railroad industry, but I would have to disagree. I was just getting ready to start college ten years ago and it was common to see Rio Grande, Southern Pacific, Santa Fe, and Burlington Northern units.  
I started my interest in photography thanks to my dad. He was big into rail photography (particularly the Rio Grande) in the late 1970's up through the 1980's. (Note: See some of my dad's work in Jim Griffin's excellent book Rio Grande Railroad). I started taking pictures (on a semi-regular basis) in High School around 1995. I shot black and white using my dad's Minolta XE5 and XE7 cameras. I developed the film myself and recently found my old negatives!  
Last night, I got eleven pictures scanned in from the negatives. The shots were from 1996 to 1999 on a few various topics. How about a C30-7 on the Moffat? A near-pristine ATSF C40-8W on a manifest. The "CSDU" coal train winding through Blue Mountain. You can view the shots here and see what you think. One thing to keep in mind is that I was still very new to photography and didn't really understand lighting all that well, so they pictures aren't spectacular or award winning, but I hope you'll like them!!

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