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Heritage Unit Reunion a Success!
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Sunday, July 1, 2007 - In my opinion, the Heritage Unit Reunion held in Salt Lake City on June 30 was a huge success. It was amazing seeing all six Heritage Units (plus UP 8444) lined up for photos! The units were setup on the west leg of the wye track at UP's Intermodal Facility in Salt Lake.  
Why Salt Lake, you might ask? UP wanted to use an Intermodal Facility because the space available. Apparently, it came down to either the SLC Facility or Global 3 in Chicago. UP picked Salt Lake because of the mountains in the distance.  
UP has also said that this is a one-time event. Now, the units will enter into general revenue service and UP will no longer make major attempts to keep the units on home rails.  
The night before the big event, I came across the units sitting outside the facility in a field and took advantage of the opportunity to grab some night shots of the units. You can follow this link to see the results of the night photography.  
And when you are ready, go ahead and click this link to get to the photos from the event itself. It was a wonderful event and a lot of fun meeting some people that I had only know via the internet. A big thanks to UP for all the effort!

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