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UP E-Units Head East on the Moffat
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Saturday, July 7, 2007 - Thanks to the heads up of a few people (you know who you are - thanks!), I was able to get out this morning and find UP's Operation Lifesaver train (with UP's E-Units on the point) headed east.  
I got up with the train at Rollins and headed east from their. Because it was a deadhead train, it didn't have a high priority. The train was held at Crescent for the MNYPV, the Ski Train, and a coal empty. I did get a shot of the Ski Train heading west at Tunnel 1.  
Got a few shots at Tunnel 1 of the Special, and then one more at Leyden. So, here are six shots from the day.  
For those interested, the OLS Special (with the E-Units) is headed for Gering, NE (just south of Scottsbluff).

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