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UP 844 in town for Cheyenne Frontier Days
News Story Posted By Kevin (Click Name To Email)
Friday, July 20, 2007 - UP's classic 4-8-4 steam locomotives, UP 844, arrived in Denver today along with 19 cars in preparation for the 111th "Daddy of them All", Cheyenne Frontier Days.  
The train came down the Greeley Subdivision today, was wyed in the yard at 36th street, and backed down the inbound track to Union Station. There, the train made a home for itself on Track 3. UP 844 and the train will be on display tomorrow (Friday) down at Union Station.  
On Saturday, of course, the train departs north for Cheyenne and will be returning back to down in the evening after a fun-filled day. Then, after one more overnight stay, the train heads back north to Cheyenne on Sunday.  
I didn't have time to chase the train south today, but I was able to get a few shots of the train backing into the station.

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