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Photo ID: 105051
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
Baggage car in the middle of the Zephyr? Actually, all the cars behind the baggage car (leading away from the camera) and the baggage car itself make up the Zephyr. The cars ahead of the baggage car (including the one just coming in to view) make up the equipment that will be used for the special run of the Ski Train. That's right! Amtrak will run its own version of the Ski Train for two days to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of Winter Park!
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Photo ID: 105052
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
The westbound California Zephyr...with some extra backing down toward Track 4 at Union Station. The two tracks in the foreground are the track for the Gold Line commuter rail, set to open in 2016. AMTK 42 wears a special scheme, painted in honor of all the veterans that have served in the United States armed forces.
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Photo ID: 105053
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
After waiting for a couple of years, I was finally able to see AMTK 42 in person. This P42DC was painted as a tribute to veterans of the United States armed forces. Pretty sharp looking scheme, don't you think?
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Photo ID: 105054
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
Construction on the approach to Train Hall at Union Station is coming along nicely. As can be seen in this picture, a few dwarf signals have been installed as well as support beams for what will become overhead catenary lines. The two tracks to the right will be for the Gold Line commuter rail. The two tracks in the distance will be used for the East Line (A-Line) commuter rail. The center track, which Amtrak is on, accesses Track 4 and Track 5 at Union Station.
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Photo ID: 105055
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
An overview of the northeast side of Train Hall. Tracks 6-8, which will be used by the Gold Line commuter rail, are in place and are awaiting their catenary lines to be installed. The California Zephyr sits on Track 4. The historic "Ice House" building is one of the only things in this shot that hasn't changed in the last 30 years!
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Photo ID: 105056
Date Shot
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
Just another morning at Train Hall! The westbound California Zephyr makes its station stop (on Track 4), passengers approaching in the distance. At times, it just amazes me how much this scene changed over the course of just five years.
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Photo ID: 105057
Date Shot
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
While making its stop at Denver Union Station, there is actually quite a bit of activity that goes unseen on the conductor's side of the train. One person with a soapy sponge gives the windows a cleaning while another person with a squeegee follows closely behind.
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Photo ID: 105058
Date Shot
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
Where's the power for the Zephyr? If you look closely (to the left, in the distance), you'll notice some Superliners. These Superliners will make up the consist of a special run of an Amtrak-sponsored Ski Train. The cars were brought to town on the California Zephyr and are in the process of being set out on Track 5. Meanwhile, some land lines will be hooked up the baggage car to provide for power to the train while it awaits.
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Photo ID: 105059
Date Shot
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
Seven Superliners for the Ski Train are being backed down on to Track 5. The conductor of Amtrak stands in the back of the closest Superliner, protecting the reverse move. This is one of the first times (if not the first time) that track 5 has been used at Union Station.
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Photo ID: 105060
Date Shot
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
A look at the westbound California Zephyr, stopped and waiting in Track 4 at Union Station. The canopy over Train Hall is visible in the distance. Note the interesting red figure, erected on the bridge over Train Hall.
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Photo ID: 105061
Date Shot
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
Two Zephyrs? No. Two different sets of Superliners? Yes. The California Zephyr sits on Track 4 in the distance. In the foreground, equipment for a special run of the Amtrak-sponsored Ski Train rolls in to view. The crew on the Zephyr is spotting the equipment on Track 5 in preparation for its weekend run.
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Photo ID: 105062
Date Shot
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
Work is steadily progressing on the commuter rail tracks at Union Station. Dwarfs have appeared at the ends of the station tracks. These are the dwarfs on Tracks 6 through 8. They will dictate the departure of Gold Line commuter trains.
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Photo ID: 105063
Date Shot
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak
"That's a good break, Amtrak". After spotting the Ski Train on Track 5, the P42DCs on the Zephyr cut away from AMTK 42. Note a spray of dirt, kicked up by the rapid evacuation of air from Ski Trains brake line as the air hoses between AMTK 195 and AMTK 42 unhook.
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Photo ID: 105064
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak, Winter Park Express
AMTK 42, Amtrak's unit that salutes veterans, looks pretty good sitting on the point of hte Ski Train. Ski Train? Yep! After six years with nothing, this train will make two round trips between Denver and Winter Park to commemorate Winter Park's 75th Anniversary.
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Photo ID: 105065
Date Shot
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Amtrak, Winter Park Express
AMTK 42 will be the leader on a special, two-day run of an Amtrak-sponsored recreation of the Ski Train. The amazing Amtrak folks in Denver would spend a good part of the day (later on) giving the unit a very good scrub down. Note the water tower on the historic Ice House in the distance.
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