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Photo ID: 107442
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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East of Parachute
Garfield County, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
The eastbound Zephyr accelerates up toward the posted trackspeed of 79 MPH as it is just east of the control point of Parachute (visible in the shot). This control point leads to a small BNSF yard that was once used for soda ash trains out of the plant at Parachute. Beyond that is the siding of Grand Valley, so named for this grand (and wide) valley the tracks run through here.
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Photo ID: 107443
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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East of Silt
Garfield County, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
The profile of the Eastbound Zephyr looks a little different today! That is because the train has a quartet of Amtrak California cars on the headend. While I do not know for sure where they were headed, I would speculate they are going to Beech Grove, IN. Amtrak has its main maintenance facility here.
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Photo ID: 107444
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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East of Silt
Garfield County, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
The trees and grass are really starting to green up here at the start of May as the Eastbound Zephyr flies by at 79 MPH as it approaches a connector road that connects US-6 and the I-70 Frontage Road (across I-70).
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Photo ID: 107445
Date Shot
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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East of Silt
Garfield County, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
A longer-than-normal Zephyr (13 cars, compared to 9) heads east along I-70 in western Colorado. The train will pass through the town of New Castle before entering the west end of Glenwood Canyon. Because the train can go 79 MPH here, it would not be possible to catch up to the train again until Glenwood Springs.
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Photo ID: 107446
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
Looking east from the Glenwood Springs depot, we see several Amtrak California that are catching a ride on the Zephyr from California to points east. This meant the power had to pull beyond the platform, much further than is typical for the stop here in Glenwood.
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Photo ID: 107447
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
As the Zephyr stops for passengers in Glenwood Springs, we get a look at the side of one of four Amtrak California cars catching a ride on the Zephyr. In this case, this is The Valley Flyer.
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Photo ID: 107448
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
The trucks on these Amtrak California cars is reminiscent of the ones found on the Ski Train cars in the Ansco days. However, unlike the Ski Train cars, these cars have traditional brakes and not disk brakes.
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Photo ID: 107449
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West of Sage
Gypsum, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
Looking west from Sage, the westernmost siding on Tennessee Pass, we see a little foliage amongst some very old ties and rusty rails.
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Photo ID: 107450
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West Sage
Gypsum, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
The signal on the mainline stands tall at West Sage, although it has not been active in twenty years. You can just barely make out the word "Sage" on the silver control box.
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Photo ID: 107451
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West Sage
Gypsum, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
Looking toward the westbound signals at West Sage, we see the siding diverge from the main track. It is interesting to note that Sage has not spent the entire past 20 years seeing zero traffic. On more than once occasion, UP has used Sage for temporary storage of cars (typically hoppers). Sage is located just seven (or so) miles from the "active" part of the west end of Tennessee Pass. The Minturn Local, out of Grand Junction, still makes weekly trips to the American Gypsum drywall plant in Gypsum, which is just over six miles east of Dotsero.
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Photo ID: 107452
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West of Wolcott
Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
A few miles east of the town of Eagle, we look east along the Tennessee Pass mainline. The tracks here follow US-6 and I-70. US-6 is visible off to the right. The mountains in the distance represent the challenges that lay ahead for the line, up the 3% grade, to conquer Tennessee Pass.
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Photo ID: 107453
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West of Wolcott
Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
These classic "No Trespassing" signs disappeared from along the Moffat (and the rest of the Rio Grande) relatively quickly after SP and, in particular, UP moved in. However, you can still find some near-perfect example along the Tennessee Pass mainline.
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Photo ID: 107454
Date Shot
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West of Wolcott
Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
A few cattails grow along and between the rails as we look to the west toward Eagle and Gypsum.
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Photo ID: 107455
Date Shot
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West of Wolcott
Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
Just west of Wolcott, the tracks wrap around a near-90° curve, following along the Eagle River. Note the "X" sign, indicating the grade crossing ahead. There was once a slide fence here, though the wires have long since been removed. If you look closely, you can just see the signal at the west end of Wolcott in the top-left quadrant of the shot.
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Photo ID: 107456
Date Shot
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West Wolcott
Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
The siding diverging quite a bit from the main track at the west end of Wolcott. In between the main and the siding, this tree has sprouted and appears to be flourishing.
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