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Photo ID: 103967
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 302 (Minturn)
Minturn, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
For many, many years the sound of diesel engines (and steam before that) echoed off these rock walls. Gone are those days as the yard in Minturn has been gathering nothing but weeds and rust for almost 15 years now.
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Photo ID: 103966
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 303 (West Minturn)
Minturn, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
On this particular trip to the Colorado High Country, me and the kids were actually going camping! We took the scenic route to our campsite, driving along Tennessee Pass between Minturn and Buena Vista. Here, my daughter Jaina peeks through the back of a dwarf signal whose "guts" have long since been removed.
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Photo ID: 103965
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 303 (West Minturn)
Minturn, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Even though there hasn't been a train here in just under 15 years, Tennessee Pass is not technically abandoned. Perhaps that is why this sign still exists at West Minturn instructing motorists to call UP if their car gets stuck on the tracks.
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Photo ID: 103964
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 303 (West Minturn)
Minturn, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
The weeds are doing their best to reclaim the land at the west switch of Minturn. Actually, considering there hasn't been a train on these rails in nearly 15 years, things still look pretty descent.
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Photo ID: 103906
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Sunday, September 11, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 9
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
After receiving a 90-day inspection at Burnham, UP 1364 is being shipped west to Grand Junction for yard and local work. This seems rather fitting, considering that until 2006, this was actually DRGW 3109! It was patched in 2006 and subsequently painted in early 2007. At that time, it made a trip to North Little Rock, AR. In addition to a fresh coat of paint, the GP40-2 had its MARS light removed and air conditioning added.
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Photo ID: 103785
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 22
Brighton, CO
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Greeley (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
After some sever thunderstorms, the sun peaked out from behind the clouds for about 20 minutes prior to sunset. UP 1989 leads a train south toward the siding at Brighton where it will meet a northbound before continuing in to North Yard in Denver.
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Photo ID: 103784
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 27
Fort Lupton, CO
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Greeley (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Are you a fan of contrast in pictures? If so, then check out the stark contrast between the amber waves of grain and the storm-ridden skies to the east in this shot of the MNPNY being led by UP 1989 just north of Fort Lupton.
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Photo ID: 103783
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 33
Platteville, CO
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Greeley (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Just south of MP 33, we find UP 1989 as the sole power (on the point, anyway) on the North Platte to North Yard manifest. Perhaps, in an alternate universe, there are hundreds of units painted like this running around on the rails...
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Photo ID: 103717
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Saturday, April 23, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 360 (Glenwood)
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Rio Grande
While Amtrak does have its own sign identifying the Glenwood Depot, the old Rio Grande signage has withstood the test of time, looking very good hanging along the depot platform.
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Photo ID: 103716
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Saturday, April 23, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 360 (Glenwood)
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak, Rio Grande
The Amtrak sign along the station platform clearly indicates to passengers where they are! Presumably, this is more for the passengers on the arriving trains, as you'd hope the people already here know where they are...
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Photo ID: 103715
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Saturday, April 23, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 360 (Glenwood)
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak, Rio Grande
The ticket office inside the Glenwood Springs depot still has iron bars guarding the window, reminiscent of an earlier era. The depot is staffed from 9am to 7pm, as well as anytime Amtrak is running late outside those hours.
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Photo ID: 103714
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Saturday, April 23, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 360 (Glenwood)
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak, Rio Grande
Even though it hasn't been the official logo for Amtrak is over a decade, the Pointless Arrow still stands proudly on the sign outside the entrance to the depot.
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Photo ID: 103713
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Saturday, April 23, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 360 (Glenwood)
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Rio Grande
This is one of the most nostalgic buildings in the world for me! The depot at Glenwood Springs. When I was growing up, we took regular trips to Glenwood on the Rio Grande Zephyr (granted I was too young to remember) and later Amtrak. Something else very nostalgic that you don't really hear anymore is the sound of five EMD units pulling on an eastbound through Glenwood while swimming in the hot springs.
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Photo ID: 103571
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Saturday, October 30, 2010 Kevin Morgan
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MP 38
Platteville, CO
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Greeley (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
A few miles north of "downtown" Plateville, this local based out of La Salle has finished its switching for the day and is headed back north. Both GP40-2s on the train are ex-Rio Grande geeps. Prior to being patched, UP 1359 (on the point) was DRGW 3118. The second unit, UP 1348, was DRGW 3126.
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Photo ID: 103481
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Kevin Morgan
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CP DS012 (East Leyden)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Mother nature decided to mess with the citizens of the Front Range by letting a couple inches of snow fall overnight, halfway through May! UP 1989 has earned the nickname the "Vampire Unit" as it typically runs between Denver and Pueblo overnight. However, the Vampire Unit is out playing in the snow on this morning, making a trip on the Moffat to rescue an MRONY stalled out at Tabernash.
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