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Photo ID: 109156
Date Shot
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Sunday, May 14, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Green River
Green River, UT
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Green River (UP) Amtrak
The eastbound Zephyr crosses a very full Green River after making its station stop. Directly beneath the leading power of the Zephyr, a group of campers are liking waking up to the sound of the train crossing the steel above them.
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Photo ID: 109155
Date Shot
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Sunday, May 14, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Green River
Green River, UT
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Green River (UP) Amtrak
The eastbound Zephyr is making its station stop on the siding at Green River, about 1 hour and 45 minutes behind schedule. Most sidings are perfectly parallel the main track they are next to. Green River, however, is an example of one that strays slightly from the mainline alignment.
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Photo ID: 109154
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, May 13, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Solitude to Green River
Grand County, UT
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Green River (UP) Union Pacific
A slowed shutter speed creates a bit of a motion blur for the final DPU unit on an eastbound oil train. The train knocked down a clear (green) signal...but this particular intermediate off in the distance has not yet been replaced by UP. In fact, you can still see the lunar (white-ish) bottom signal, indicating eastbound trains approaching it can proceed without stopping at this restricting signal.
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Photo ID: 109153
Date Shot
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Saturday, May 13, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Green River
Green River, UT
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Green River (UP) Union Pacific
After waiting at Green River for over an hour, this eastbound loaded oil train is finally on the move again. Afternoon storms set up some pretty dramatic skies and some great silhouettes on the horizon.
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Photo ID: 109152
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, May 13, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Solitude to Green River
Grand County, UT
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Green River (UP) Amtrak
As the end of the day grows every closer, the westbound Zephyr has knocked down an "approach diverging" signal, indicating that it will be taking the siding at Green River to make its scheduled station stop. It will also be meeting a loaded UP oil train, currently holding the main at Green River.
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Photo ID: 109151
Date Shot
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Saturday, May 13, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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CP RG527 (East Thompson)
Thompson, UT
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Green River (UP) Amtrak
After knocking down the clear (green) signal at the east end of Thompson, the westbound Zephyr is continuing at track speed on the main alongside the 7,210-foot siding. The siding here at Thompson is one of only five that are available for meets over the course of roughly 100 miles in the Utah desert. 12 other sidings are being used to store cars. Note that a P40DC is actually leading the Zephyr on this nice May evening.
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Photo ID: 109150
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, May 13, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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CP RG527 (East Thompson)
Thompson, UT
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Green River (UP) Amtrak
UP is at varying stages when it comes to replacing the old DRGW signals across the Utah desert. Many control points have been replaced. Others, such as the signals at the east end of Thompson, have new signal masts in place, but the signal heads have not yet been put on.
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Photo ID: 109149
Date Shot
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Saturday, May 13, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Sagers to Thompson
Thompson, UT
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Green River (UP) Amtrak
In fantastic golden light at the end of the day, the westbound Zephyr approaches a clear (green) signal at the east end of Thompson. In the distance, lurking in the shadows of afternoon thunderstorms, is the 12,331-foot peak of Mt Waas.
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Photo ID: 109148
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, May 13, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Sagers to Thompson
Grand County, UT
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Green River (UP) Amtrak
The massive landscape of the Utah desert dwarfs the westbound Zephyr as it hustles west on its journey toward Emeryville, CA. The sun is getting low in the western sky as the Zephyr, about two hour late, is between Sagers and Thompson.
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Photo ID: 109147
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, May 13, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Green River
Green River, UT
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Green River (UP) Union Pacific
This spring, the "green" part of Green River is definitely showing! The last DPU on a westbound oil empty just crossed over Green River and is entering the siding. It is meeting an eastbound oil load. The load will have to wait here for the Zephyr, which is currently at Mack, 90 miles to the east. Unfortunately, the next available siding for a meet, Thompson, is an hour to the east. The dispatcher does not want to risk delaying the Zephyr by releasing the oil train for a meet there.
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Photo ID: 109146
Date Shot
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Saturday, May 13, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Desert to Vista
Emery County, UT
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Green River (UP) Union Pacific
About 12 miles west of Green River, US-6 moves to join the tracks after crossing over them west of the siding of Desert. A pair of UP DPUs brings up the tail end of an eastbound loaded oil train.
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Photo ID: 109145
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, May 13, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Desert to Vista
Emery County, UT
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Green River (UP) Union Pacific
An eastbound oil load navigates the plains of the desert between Vista and Desert along the Book Cliffs. If you look in the distance, you can see a string of open hoppers being stored in the siding of Vista.
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Photo ID: 109144
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, May 13, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Grassy to Cedar
Emery County, UT
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Green River (UP) Union Pacific
The Book Cliffs pass in and out of the shadows from slowly forming afternoon storms as an eastbound loaded oil train accelerates on the straight track leading east. Ahead is the siding of Grassy, one of the few sidings not filled with cars currently being stored by UP.
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Photo ID: 109143
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, May 13, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Grassy to Cedar
Emery County, UT
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Green River (UP) Union Pacific
The last DPU on this loaded eastbound oil train passes by the sign indicating a change in speed. The train is now free to accelerate from the 35 MPH it has been going up to 50 MPH as the train hits straighter track on the open desert along the Book Cliffs.
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Photo ID: 109142
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, May 13, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Grassy to Cedar
Emery County, UT
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Green River (UP) Union Pacific
An eastbound loaded oil train wraps around the large curve at the base of the grade that climbs up to Cedar. A pair of GEs bring up the tail end. Since there is no crew on board the DPUs, there is no need for a "buffer car" between the last tank car and the power.
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