As a UP crew works to transfer an engine from their manifest to the coal train in the siding at Granby, I thought I'd point out an interesting quirk about Granby. If you look in the distance, you'll note a slight dogleg to the left on both the main and siding. Back in the Rio Grande days, there were actually two sidings at Granby. The east siding was east of the overpass in the distance and was on the north side of the main. It was 4,550 feet long. The west siding was in the foreground on the track where the power is sitting in this shot, on the south side of the main. It was 4,650 feet long. In the 1990s, the two sidings were combined. On the east end, what had been the east siding became the main and the main became part of the single siding. The result is a dogleg where the switch had been, and a single siding that is 7,325 feet long.
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