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Photo ID: 105339
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Saturday, July 11, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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MP 282.5
Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific
Welcome to the portion of Tennessee Pass that has 3% grades. This is just west of the west portal of the tunnel, near the location of the former siding of Mitchell. Tennessee Pass is roughly 220 miles long between Pueblo and Dotsero. It is somewhat ironic that the main reason the line is now idle is due to roughly 12 miles of 3% grades! Other than those 12 miles, the grade on Tennessee Pass is actually not as steep (on average) as the Moffat. Other than between Minturn and the summit, the grades on Tennessee Pass are all under 2%!
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Photo ID: 104930
Date Shot
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Saturday, January 17, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Dotsero Cutoff
Eagle County, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
The eastbound California Zephyr is rolling on clear signals about two miles east of Dotsero. The train is running on time as it heads down the Dotsero Cutoff toward Bond. Amtrak is taking advantage of the slow season (ridership is generally down in winter months) and is reducing long distanced trains to just six Superliners. This is allowing them to refurbish some of the cars. Interestingly, while they are doing this, the Lounge Car is being placed directly behind the baggage car. Generally, it is in the middle of the train next to the Dining Car.
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