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Photo ID: 104562
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Sunday, February 23, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Colorado Railroad Museum
Golden, CO
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Yard Shots Rio Grande
A lot of the components of DRGW 3011, such as the headlights, class lights, number boards and plow, have been removed. The team at the museum will keep them safe and out of the elements until such a time as the unit is restored to look like it did in its glory days!
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Photo ID: 104561
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Sunday, February 23, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Colorado Railroad Museum
Golden, CO
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Yard Shots Rio Grande
The gauge on the fuel tank of DRGW 3011 (on the conductor's side) has lost its needle! Not that it is needed as the 2,600 gallon tank is no doubt dry as a bone.
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Photo ID: 104560
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Sunday, February 23, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Colorado Railroad Museum
Golden, CO
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Yard Shots Rio Grande
The 16 cylinder EMD 567D3 of DRGW 3011 sits visible and silent as the doors along the long hood quietly creak due to a light morning breeze.
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Photo ID: 104559
Date Shot
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Sunday, February 23, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Colorado Railroad Museum
Golden, CO
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Yard Shots Rio Grande
20 years ago, in 1994, Espee retired GP30 DRGW 3011. In 1995, they sold the unit to OmniTRAX who stored the unit in Wichita, KS until 2000. In mid-2001, it was moved to Loveland, CO where it sat for another year. In 2002, it was donated by OmniTRAX to the Colorado Railroad Museum. 10 years ago, in 2004, the unit was moved to the museum. For the time being, it sits on the east side of the roundhouse, awaiting its turn at restoration.
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Photo ID: 104558
Date Shot
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Sunday, February 23, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Colorado Railroad Museum
Golden, CO
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Yard Shots Rio Grande
Time always marches on and, as it does, change inevitably happens. When the Rio Grande Zephyr stopped running in April 1983, the future of Rio Grande's last few F9s was very uncertain. In 1984, they were used on slow, heavy slag trains in maintenance service. Fortunately in the end, DRGW 5771 (F9A) and DRGW 5762 (F9B) found a home at the Colorado Railroad Museum. There, they underwent a restoration project in which the four stripe scheme was applied to them. Ironically, neither had ever worn the four stripe scheme prior to arriving at the museum!
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Photo ID: 104557
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Sunday, February 23, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Golden, CO
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Golden (BNSF) Santa Fe
Cabooses...once a dime a dozen. On the end of every freight train you could find on the rails. Now, if you can find them, more often then not they are used as "shoving platforms". Such is the case with this ATSF caboose. Note that it is all boarded up and, when used, crews stay on the outside.
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Photo ID: 104556
Date Shot
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Sunday, February 23, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Golden, CO
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Golden (BNSF) BNSF
I have always been a fan of both the GP30 and the GP35. The smaller center radiator fan always made both of them a little different and fun to shoot. Ironically, GP35s seemed to disappear faster than GP30s (from the Class 1's). BNSF rebuilt a lot of them, creating GP30u's and GP35u's. One such example is GP35u 2572, sitting in the upper yard at Golden.
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Photo ID: 104555
Date Shot
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Sunday, February 23, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Golden, CO
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Golden (BNSF) BNSF
The power for the "Golden Switch" for the past week has included a very sharp looking GP35u and an SD40-2. It is the first time that I can specifically recall in which a four axle unit has served on the local. For many years, the local has always run with a pair of SD40-2s.
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Photo ID: 102937
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Saturday, May 16, 2009 Kevin Morgan
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MP 13
Golden, CO
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Golden (BNSF) BNSF
A very long Beer Run heads east out of Golden in the late afternoon on a wonderful Saturday afternoon. The power on the Beer Run is rather bland right now, with a pair of C44-9Ws pulling the duty.
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Photo ID: 102665
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Sunday, February 8, 2009 Kevin Morgan
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MP 13
Golden, CO
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Golden (BNSF) BNSF
This shot can really take you back! A pair of Yellow-Bonnets, a GP39-2 and a GP38, will serve as power for the Golden Switch which runs east out of Golden to switch other industries on the Golden Sub. In 1987 and 1988, these same units could be found on the Joint Line, running some of the hottest trains on the Santa Fe (the QDVLJ and QLJDV from Denver to La Junta and vice versa).
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Photo ID: 102664
Date Shot
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Sunday, February 8, 2009 Kevin Morgan
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MP 13
Golden, CO
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Golden (BNSF) BNSF
Power on the Beer Run seems to be changing a lot lately. BNSF will throw just about anything on there. I've seen everything from SD40-2s to SD70ACes. C44-9Ws to ES44DCs. On this day, an H2 C44-9W and a H1 C44-9W power the train. The two geeps in the back will serve as the Golden Switch power in the coming week.
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Photo ID: 102663
Date Shot
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Sunday, February 8, 2009 Kevin Morgan
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MP 12
Golden, CO
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Golden (BNSF) BNSF
In order to make it to the lower yard at Coors, train have to cross West 44th Avenue (the same road that the Colorado Railroad Museum is located on!) Trains cross 44th using a stoplight for protection. The stoplight doubles as the stop light at the intersection of 44th and Eldridge.
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Photo ID: 102662
Date Shot
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Sunday, February 8, 2009 Kevin Morgan
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MP 11
Golden, CO
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Golden (BNSF) BNSF
Nearly 12 miles west of Denver, the Beer Run is approach the switch at Terrell Junction on the Golden Sub. At Terrell Junction, trains have the option of going into the lower yard (switch reversed) or the upper yard (switch normal). In this case, the train will be going to the lower yard.
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Photo ID: 102549
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Friday, January 2, 2009 Kevin Morgan
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MP 14
Golden, CO
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Golden (BNSF) BNSF
Approaching the end of the line, the Beer Run throttles up to make the final climb into the upper yard at Coors. A few cars drive along on 44th Avenue in the distance.
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Photo ID: 102548
Date Shot
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Friday, January 2, 2009 Kevin Morgan
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MP 14
Golden, CO
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Golden (BNSF) BNSF
An SD75M (which unfortunately is no longer wearing the Warbonnet scheme) leads the westbound Beer Run toward the upper yard at Coors. The tracks here run along 44th Avenue and are about to pass underneath Highway 52.
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