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Photo ID: 105265
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Friday, July 10, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Dent Branch
Thornton, CO
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Yard Shots Union Pacific, Regional Transportation District
Just in case the sudden stopping of the tracks wasn't enough of a warning, these tracks are no longer active! Until recently, these tracks were owned by Union Pacific. The right of way has since been sold to RTD, which will be laying commuter rail tracks here over the course of the next three years.
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Photo ID: 105264
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Friday, July 10, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Dent Branch
Thornton, CO
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Yard Shots Union Pacific, Regional Transportation District
The Union Pacific "Dent Branch" ran north out of Denver through Thornton. It eventually turned west and ran in to Boulder, CO from the east. For years, the Valmont Power Plant received coal from the Dent Branch. A few months ago, UP completed the sale of the Dent Branch to RTD. In 2018, this will be a commuter rail line running to Union Station.
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Photo ID: 105149
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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RTD North Maintenance Facility
Denver, CO
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RTD G Line (Arvada/Wheat Ridge) Regional Transportation District
We are just about a year away from the scheduled opening of roughly 50 miles of Light Rail and Commuter Rail in Denver. Shown here is a new maintenance facility for the commuter trains. This is the former location of a concrete tie factory that moved to Pueblo. The two track in the foreground (to the right of the fence) represents the new G-Line to Arvada and Wheat Ridge.
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Photo ID: 105062
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Friday, March 13, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
Work is steadily progressing on the commuter rail tracks at Union Station. Dwarfs have appeared at the ends of the station tracks. These are the dwarfs on Tracks 6 through 8. They will dictate the departure of Gold Line commuter trains.
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Photo ID: 105015
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Thursday, February 5, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Arvada, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
Here is a view that has changed dramatically in the last five years! This shot is taken standing on the 17th street pavilion looking back toward Union Station. The structure at the bottom of the image are skylights for the underground tunnel connecting Union Station with the Light Rail Station behind me. The building to the right is also very new. Soon, there will be a similar building on the left.
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Photo ID: 105014
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Thursday, February 5, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
The last few times that I visited the new Train Hall at Union Station, the upper walkway (running over the tracks) was still blocked off and unavailable. Finally, on this temperate January evening, it was open and I was able to get an elevated view of the station as well as Tracks 4 and 5 in the middle of Train Hall. Although it is fairly quiet here right now, that will no doubt change once commuter rail finally launches here in 2016.
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Photo ID: 105012
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Thursday, February 5, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
It is somewhat unfortunate that the city planners in Denver 20 years ago did not anticipate the continued need to run rails south out of Union Station. With buildings, roads, and bridges now blocking any possible access to Union Station from the south, all eight tracks will come to a definite stop at Union Station. Here, you can see the ends of Tracks 5 (on the left) and 4 (on the right). These tracks will be used for non-commuter trains such as Amtrak and, in theory, Cheyenne Frontier Days.
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Photo ID: 105011
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Thursday, February 5, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
Union Sation: Travel by ???

It appears that RTD needs to get some new neon for the classic Union Station sign behind the station. In addition to the the "T" and "Train" missing, the "I" in "Union" is also flickering, on its way out. With all the time and money that has been spent on the new Train Hall, it sure would be nice to see the sign fixed and shining bright (in its entirety) once again.
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Photo ID: 105010
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Thursday, February 5, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
For all intents and purposes, construction on (and at) the newly revamped Denver Union Station is complete. There is a little more work to do once commuter rail is ready to actually commence. You can see the tail end of Track 8 on the left as well as Tracks 4 and 5 over to the right (the latter two used for non-commuter trains such as Amtrak).
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Photo ID: 104792
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Sunday, August 10, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
Outside the back of Union Station is a canopy covering the stairs and escalators leading down to the bus ramp. Also note the word "Crawford" above the doorway to the right. The upper floors of the station are now a part of the Crawford Hotel.
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Photo ID: 104791
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Sunday, August 10, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
These classy decals can be found on each of the windows in the doors into and out of the station. Personally, I thought that was a nice touch for the station.
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Photo ID: 104790
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Sunday, August 10, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
The main hall of Union Station is now filled with internet/charging station, sofas and tables. What was once Amtrak's ticket office is now the Terminal Bar. One aspect of the station that did not return were the steal emblem cutouts of the railroads that once served the station. The used to be on the wall where the "Terminal Bar" sign is today.
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Photo ID: 104789
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Sunday, August 10, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
For those of you that remember Union Station prior to its most recent (interior) makeover, you may recall that you had to leave the main hall and descend down a long ramp that ran underneath the tracks. That ramp was filled in the renovation and shops and restaurants were built over it. The store on the right side of this shot is the Tattered Covered bookstore. Five years ago, this shot would have shown that ramp descending to the right to get to the tracks!
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Photo ID: 104787
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Sunday, August 10, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
Welcome inside the new Union Station! Many of the old wood benches have been restored and are still available for waiting passengers. In some ways, that is about all that is the same inside the station. The great hall is now not only a waiting room for trains or buses, but it is the gateway to multiple shops and restaurants and is also the lobby for the Crawford Hotel. The second, third and fourth floor of the station has been refurbished as a hotel.
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Photo ID: 104786
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Sunday, August 10, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Regional Transportation District
The underground walkway connecting Union Station to the Light Rail station about three blocks away is also RTD's new Denver hub for its buses. It replaced the Market Street Bus Station when it opened. It is laid out somewhat like an airport terminal, with bus "gates" along the sides of the walkway. Access to the eight tracks at Union Station is also possible via stairs and elevators.
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