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Photo ID: 109254
Date Shot
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Wednesday, May 31, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Jefferson County, CO
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Rocky Flats Industrial Lead (UP) Union Pacific
Two GP40-2s head away from the camera at the west (geographic north) end of the Rocky Flats Industrial Lead. With only one train every 2-3 weeks on the lead, mother nature has started a valiant attempt to reclaim the right of way.
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Photo ID: 109253
Date Shot
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Wednesday, May 31, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Jefferson County, CO
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Rocky Flats Industrial Lead (UP) Union Pacific
A pair of GP40-2s just finished dropping off cars at the north end of the Rocky Flats Industrial Lead and are now heading back to the mainline at Rocky. Neither of these geeps started life as UP units. UP 1507 started as SP 7129 and UP 1357 started as DRGW 3102.
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Photo ID: 109252
Date Shot
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Wednesday, May 31, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Jefferson County, CO
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Rocky Flats Industrial Lead (UP) Union Pacific
The West Local has just dropped three cars at the Arcosa Lightweight aggregate plant at the west end of the Rocky Flat Industrial Lead. With no cars to pick up today, the local is departing with just the two GP40-2s to head back to the main and back to Denver. An intense afternoon storm is currently resting over Boulder to the north.
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Photo ID: 109251
Date Shot
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Wednesday, May 31, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Jefferson County, CO
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Rocky Flats Industrial Lead (UP) Union Pacific
Many mainlines in the country have a lot of industries along the line that are serviced by local freights. Alas, the Moffat is not one of those mainlines. In fact, the only remaining industry served by a local between Denver and Bond is the Arcosa Lightweight aggregate plant. It is located at the far north end of the Rocky Flat Industrial Lead, about four miles north of Rocky. Here is an overview of the plant and almost two dozen covered hoppers at the plant. A pair of GP40-2s just dropped off three more covered hoppers for the plant.
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Photo ID: 109250
Date Shot
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Wednesday, May 31, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Jefferson County, CO
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Rocky Flats Industrial Lead (UP) Union Pacific
The Arcosa Lightweight aggregate plant at the west end of the Rocky Flats Industrial Lead has a lot of covered hoppers lined up on the two tracks at the plant, with UP 1507 spotting three more.
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Photo ID: 109249
Date Shot
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Wednesday, May 31, 2023 Kevin Morgan
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Jefferson County, CO
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Rocky Flats Industrial Lead (UP) Union Pacific
At the Acrosa Lightweight aggregate plant at the west end of the Rocky Flat Industrial Lead, a pair of GP40-2s spot three covered hoppers. UP 1507, sporting baby wings, started life as SP 7129.
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Photo ID: 108527
Date Shot
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Wednesday, October 14, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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Arvada, CO
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Rocky Flats Industrial Lead (UP) Union Pacific
The West Local is slowing as it reaches the end...or beginning, depending on your point of view...of the Rocky Flats Industrial Lead. The train already has authority from the dispatcher to occupy the main track. The train will stop momentarily and the brakeman will unlock the switch to allow the train to back out on to the main.
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Photo ID: 108525
Date Shot
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Wednesday, October 14, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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Arvada, CO
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Rocky Flats Industrial Lead (UP) Union Pacific
The West Local has just crossed CO-93 and is now backing down the Rocky Flats Industrial Lead toward the mainline. You can see the main and siding on the left side of the frame, and Big Ten Loop in the distance.
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Photo ID: 108524
Date Shot
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Wednesday, October 14, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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CO-93 Crossing
Arvada, CO
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Rocky Flats Industrial Lead (UP) Union Pacific
Cars on CO-93 are stopped at a stoplight that is green 99.9% of the time! The West Local has to cross both CO-93 and CO-72. The crossings are not protected by traditional lights and bells, however. Instead, there is a stoplight. When a train approaches, it trips a circuit that turns the light red for traffic and the train gets a green light. Trains also proceed at restricted speed, ready to stop very quickly in the event cars are not paying attention. Of note, UP 1344 is ex-DRGW 3121, so it certainly is not a stranger to the Rocky Spur.
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Photo ID: 108523
Date Shot
Photo By
Wednesday, October 14, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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Rocky Flats Wye
Jefferson County, CO
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Rocky Flats Industrial Lead (UP) Union Pacific
With three covered hoppers freshly picked up from the aggregate plant at the north end of the Rocky Flats Industrial Spur, the West Local is currently wying on the Rocky Flat Wye so it can back down to the mainline at Rocky. Once upon a time, the Rocky Flat Plant would have been in the background of this shot. The brakeman is on the ground, ready to throw the switch for the south leg of the wye.
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Photo ID: 108522
Date Shot
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Wednesday, October 14, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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Colorado Wood & Metal
Jefferson County, CO
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Rocky Flats Industrial Lead (UP) Union Pacific
The West Local slowly rolls by Colorado Wood & Metal alongside the Rocky Spur. While the West Local does not serve this particular business, the local still passes by on the way to and from the aggregate plant at the north end.
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Photo ID: 108521
Date Shot
Photo By
Wednesday, October 14, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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Jefferson County, CO
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Rocky Flats Industrial Lead (UP) Union Pacific
The West Local has completed switching at the aggregate plant at the north end of the Rocky Flat Industrial Lead and is heading back south toward the mainline at Rocky. What you might first believe are clouds in the background is actually smoke. The Cameron Peak Fire is now over 135,000 acres in size.
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Photo ID: 107910
Date Shot
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Wednesday, November 20, 2019 Kevin Morgan
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Arvada, CO
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Rocky Flats Industrial Lead (UP) Union Pacific
The Rocky Flats Industrial Lead break away from the Moffat Tunnel Sub at Rocky. It leaves the main and charges up an impressive 8% grade in order to reach the plateau that CO-93 and CO-72 are found on. Here, a pair of geeps backs down the spur with five covered hoppers toward the main.
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Photo ID: 107909
Date Shot
Photo By
Wednesday, November 20, 2019 Kevin Morgan
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Arvada, CO
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Rocky Flats Industrial Lead (UP) Union Pacific
The West Local has come to a stop toward the bottom of the Rocky Flats Industrial Lead. A brakeman has hopped off the back of the last car and is walking back to throw the switch from the main to the spur. The crew already has authority from the dispatcher to occupy the main track.
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Photo ID: 107908
Date Shot
Photo By
Wednesday, November 20, 2019 Kevin Morgan
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Arvada, CO
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Rocky Flats Industrial Lead (UP) Union Pacific
The West Local is backing up across CO-72 on the Rocky Flats Industrial Lead. A stoplight protects traffic on the road, rather than a traditional crossing signal. As the train approaches, it trips a circuit turning the stoplight red for traffic. The train also has a stop light that is either green or red, depending on the condition of the stop light for traffic.
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