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Photo ID: 107343
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Sunday, March 4, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
Looking west toward the platform at Glenwood, we find passengers moving toward their assigned cars, ready to board the Zephyr and depart of destinations east.
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Photo ID: 107342
Date Shot
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Sunday, March 4, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
If you are ever traveling on the California Zephyr (or any long distance Amtrak train), many of the larger (or more popular) stations allow you to check your bags. Any checked bags will get to ride in the baggage car, located directly behind the engines. Here, an Amtrak crew works to load checked bags for passengers leaving Glenwood Springs on the Zephyr.
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Photo ID: 107341
Date Shot
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Sunday, March 4, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
A shot for the ages! For decades, passenger trains have been rolling through the siding at Glenwood, up to and stopping at the Glenwood Springs depot. A process that thankfully is still repeated daily with the California Zephyr.
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Photo ID: 105747
Date Shot
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Monday, January 18, 2016 Kevin Morgan
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Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
Having just stopped at the station in Glenwood Springs, the crew has the door on the (new) baggage car open and is ready to load (and, if necessary, unload) checked bags for passengers. The stop in Glenwood is actually quite efficient, and the train will start rolling within ten minutes or so.
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Photo ID: 105746
Date Shot
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Monday, January 18, 2016 Kevin Morgan
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Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
It is just after noon and the eastbound Zephyr is running right on time as it pulls up to the station in Glenwood Springs. There are a lot of people on the platform, most of whom are probably waiting to ride back to Denver. A lot of the business on the Zephyr comes between Denver and Glenwood Springs! And with today being MLK Day, there are likely even more people headed home after the three day weekend.
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Photo ID: 105741
Date Shot
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Monday, January 18, 2016 Kevin Morgan
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Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs, CO
(3 Comments Posted)
Glenwood Springs (UP) Union Pacific
There are actually two sidings at Glenwood Springs: The east siding and the west siding. In this shot, a string of hoppers (currently being stored) sits in the east siding while UP's Minturn Local sits in the west siding. The main track runs down the middle of the two. The Minturn Local (which, of course, hasn't actually gone to Minturn in nearly two decades, but still retains the name) will soon switch out some tank cars in the Glenwood Springs yard.
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Photo ID: 105224
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Monday, May 25, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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East of Chacra
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
I wish there had been a bit more sunlight for this shot. Unfortunately, there were just too many clouds in the sky. The eastbound Zephyr is moving through the canyon west of Glenwood Springs along the Colorado River. Because the tracks are on the south side of the canyon - and because there are not a lot of great places to pull over to shoot - there are not a lot of pictures from this canyon. Which is unfortunately because the canyon has some beautiful colors between the green foliage and the red rocks.
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Photo ID: 104947
Date Shot
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Sunday, January 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
Why is Glenwood Springs such a popular destination for people (whether it be by train or car)? It is largely thanks to the hot springs pool and lodge, seen in the background on the other side of the Colorado River. Water comes out of the ground at 122°F. It is then cooled before being placed in to either the large pool (1 million gallons of water at 90°F) or the "therapy" pool (90,000 gallons of water at 104°F).
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Photo ID: 104946
Date Shot
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Sunday, January 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
Odd shadows (thanks to winter lighting) are cast on the Zephyr as it sits at the depot at Glenwood. A lot of passengers board the train, most of which are likely headed home to Denver.
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Photo ID: 104945
Date Shot
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Sunday, January 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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CP RG361 (Glenwood)
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
The Zephyr just passed an approach (yellow) signal at the control point simply called "Glenwood". The Zephyr is on the East Siding (also referred to as the Depot Siding east of the signal bridge in the distance).
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Photo ID: 104934
Date Shot
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Saturday, January 17, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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CP RG361 (Glenwood)
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Union Pacific, Amtrak
After making its station stop in Glenwood Springs, the westbound Zephyr is back on the roll at Glenwood. Glenwood Springs actually has two sidings...the east siding and the west siding. The Zephyr is crossing over from the east siding (on the right) to the main (center track).
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Photo ID: 104933
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, January 17, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Union Pacific, Amtrak
While making its station stop in Glenwood Springs, the crew popped out of the (borrowed) SD70M on the point for a few minutes. The SD70M was picked up after one of the P42DCs developed an issue after leaving Denver.
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Photo ID: 104932
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, January 17, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
Running close to two hours late, the California Zephyr makes its daily stop in Glenwood Springs. A lot of people ride the train between Denver and Glenwood Springs, so it is not surprising to see quite a few people detraining here at the Glenwood Springs Depot.
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Photo ID: 104931
Date Shot
Photo By
Saturday, January 17, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Glenwood Springs
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
The westbound California Zephyr had some issues between Denver and Winter Park. It was necessary to borrow a UP SD70M from a manifest. Now, running a little over 90 minutes late, the train is arriving at the depot in Glenwood Springs.
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Photo ID: 104328
Date Shot
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Monday, February 18, 2013 Kevin Morgan
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CP RG360
Glenwood Springs, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
Amtrak recently revived and restored their P40DCs for use in the fleet to assist the P42DCs that have been the standard for twenty years. Such was the case with the second unit on the eastbound Zephyr, seen here slowing for its station stop at Glenwood.
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