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Photo ID: 102732
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Friday, March 13, 2009 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
MP 10
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
UP's eastbound MRONY (Roper, UT to North Yard, CO) manifest typically arrives in Denver in the early morning hours. However, this particular train left Roper much later than normal. Consequently, it is late afternoon when it is arriving in town.
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Photo ID: 102703
Date Shot
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Wednesday, March 4, 2009 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
MP 10
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
It is getting close to sunset as an eastbound coal train makes its way toward Denver. This particular coal train loaded at the Savage Mine on the CV Spur near Price, UT. It is headed for St Louis where it will be delivered to CSX.
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Photo ID: 102672
Date Shot
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Sunday, February 8, 2009 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
MP 10
Arvada, CO
(1 Comment Posted)
Moffat Tunnel (UP) Ski Train
Very little light left in the sky for this shot of the eastbound Ski Train making its way back toward Denver. A few people sit in the back of the Kansas and use the vestibule lights to observe the tracks behind them.
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Photo ID: 102671
Date Shot
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Sunday, February 8, 2009 Kevin Morgan
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MP 10
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Ski Train
The eastbound Ski Train blazes through the grade crossing at 72nd Avenue at track speed on its trip back to town. While it looks like the intermediate signal at Kipling is red (left side of the shot), it is actually flashing yellow (Advanced Approach). The red is a result of the long exposure to capture the "blur".
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Photo ID: 102365
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Thursday, September 25, 2008 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
MP 102
Kremmling, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Amtrak
Amtrak's eastbound California Zephyr is picking up some speed after passing a slow order at the east switch of Kremmling. The train will not be making a stop until it reaches the depot in Granby.
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Photo ID: 102364
Date Shot
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Thursday, September 25, 2008 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
MP 102 (DS103)
Kremmling, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Amtrak
Running about an hour behind schedule, the eastbound California Zephyr departs Kremmling on a clear signal. A rare visitor to Colorado, an F59PH leads the train. The unit is probably going for maintenance in Chicago (or Beech Grove).
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Photo ID: 102363
Date Shot
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Thursday, September 25, 2008 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
MP 103
Kremmling, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
UP's Board of Directors Special has reached its destination, just over 100 miles west of Denver Union Station. The train had a great run, making the entire trip in about three hours! The fleet of SUVs in the picture will transport the board members to their next destination (where ever that may be), away from the tracks.
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Photo ID: 102362
Date Shot
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Thursday, September 25, 2008 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
MP 100
Kremmling, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Fall colors are starting to take hold in the Rocky Mountains as UP's Board of Directors Special slows on the approach to Kremmling. Once there, the train will drop its important passengers and tie down for the night.
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Photo ID: 102192
Date Shot
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Thursday, July 3, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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MP 10
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
A UP coal empty has a mid-afternoon departure from North Yard as it charges west toward Leyden. Interestingly enough, the train itself is headed for the Savage Mine in Utah. Rather than running on the already-busy Overland Route through Wyoming, many Savage trains are sent west via Colorado and the Utah desert.
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Photo ID: 102166
Date Shot
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Thursday, June 19, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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MP 10.5
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Ski Train
A few days prior to the start of the 2008 Summer Ski Train Season, the train (or a part of the train) was chartered for an overnight trip to Winter Park. Four of the 14 cars (plus the three private cars) made up the consist for the trip. A day before this picture, the train went up to Winter Park and spent the night tied down on the Fraser siding. Here, the train passes through Arvada on the way back to Union Station.
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Photo ID: 102044
Date Shot
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Wednesday, May 7, 2008 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
MP 10.5
Arvada, CO
(2 Comments Posted)
Moffat Tunnel (UP) BNSF
The weather was all over the place on this particular afternoon. Clear skies could be found to the east while a thunderstorm rolls in over the front range of the Rockies. This is BNSFs QSTDVJ-04, which was almost 7,000 feet long when it left Grand Junction! At this point, the train was about 6,000 feet long after dropping off several cars in Kremmling.
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Photo ID: 101904
Date Shot
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Monday, March 3, 2008 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
MP 10
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
A single AC4400CW brings up the end of this loaded coal train as the train crosses Simms Street in Arvada. The train consists of "XCLX" cars - for XCel Energy - and is headed for the Public Service power plant in Denver.
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Photo ID: 101903
Date Shot
Photo By
Monday, March 3, 2008 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
MP 10
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
After meeting a very late-running westbound California Zephyr, this eastbound coal load is back on the moving heading toward Denver. The train (symboled CSMPS-29) is headed for the Public Service power plant located near the intersection of 58th Avenue and York Street, off the Belt Industrial Lead.
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Photo ID: 101837
Date Shot
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Thursday, February 7, 2008 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
MP 10
Arvada, CO
(1 Comment Posted)
Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Almost twenty years after the end of the Rio Grande - and even twelve years after the Espee/UP merger - it is nice to see UP making an effort to keep (former) Grande power on (former) Grande rails. Two of the three geeps on this Rocky Local are former Grande units. In fact, note that UP 1359 still has its complete light package
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Photo ID: 101836
Date Shot
Photo By
Thursday, February 7, 2008 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
MP 10
(1 Comment Posted)
Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
The Rocky Local makes its way east in some fantastic afternoon light! You can almost imagine this shot being taken twenty years sooner. Even with the UP patch on the nose, I still love seeing tiger stripes coming toward the camera.
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