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Photo ID: 103757
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Sunday, June 19, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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CP DS005 (C&S Junction)
Denver, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
The BNSF Golden Sub (which the Beer Train uses to reach Golden) is missing at C&S Junction! This is part of a new project UP has to extend a second train west of C&S Junction.

Note: Apologies for poor picture quality - picture taken with my iPhone 4
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Photo ID: 103758
Date Shot
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Sunday, June 19, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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CP DS005 (C&S Junction)
Denver, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
The switch to nowhere! BNSF's Golden Sub has been severed from the UP at C&S Junction. UP is working on extending a second track west of C&S. Soon, this switch will be part of a crossover between the existing main and the new, second main.

Note: Apologies for poor picture quality - picture taken with my iPhone 4
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Photo ID: 103759
Date Shot
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Sunday, June 19, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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CP DS005 (C&S Junction)
Denver, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
Looking east at C&S Junction, you can see where a new bridge will soon appear to take a second track across Clear Creek. This new track will extend west at least to Lamar Street, and possibly further west.

Note: Apologies for poor picture quality - picture taken with my iPhone 4
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Photo ID: 103760
Date Shot
Photo By
Sunday, June 19, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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CP DS005 (C&S Junction)
Denver, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
The bases for a new bridge over Clear Creek have been put in place. There is obviously still quite a bit of work left to do in order to complete the bridge (adding a second track across the creek), but signs along the bike path beneath the bridge indicate it should be complete by August.

Note: Apologies for poor picture quality - picture taken with my iPhone 4
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Photo ID: 103761
Date Shot
Photo By
Sunday, June 19, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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CP DS005 (C&S Junction)
Denver, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
Looking east at Lowell Street, all signs of the BNSF Golden Sub have all but vanished. UP will be adding a second track here soon. Once the second track is in, the BNSF tracks will no doubt be hooked back up. The question now is exactly where will the BNSF tie back in.

Note: Apologies for poor picture quality - picture taken with my iPhone 4
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Photo ID: 103762
Date Shot
Photo By
Sunday, June 19, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 5 (Lowell Street)
Denver, CO
(1 Comment Posted)
Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
Looking west at Lowell Street, you can see the currently missing BNSF Golden Sub, as well as the location where the tracks have been removed. This has been done to allow UP to add a second main track. Whether or not the new track will use the old BNSF alignment here (utilizing the existing grade crossing) remains to be seen.

Note: Apologies for poor picture quality - picture taken with my iPhone 4
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Photo ID: 103763
Date Shot
Photo By
Sunday, June 19, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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CP DS007 (Arvada)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
At Lamar Street, you can clearly see the grade work that has been done by UP to facilitate the addition of a second main track. It appears as though this track may converge with the existing track at CP 7.5. The new track will likely be used for holding coal trains that need to be recrewed between Lamar and Tennyson. The new track will allow DS-86 to continue to run trains around the tied down train.

Note: Apologies for poor picture quality - picture taken with my iPhone 4
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