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Photo ID: 110748
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Sunday, July 21, 2024 Kevin Morgan
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Cherokee Power Station
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots XCLX
Xcel Energy's Cherokee Power Station, northeast of Denver, generates over a terawatt of electricity for the power grid. Until 2017, the station was powered by coal. Since then, however, the plant is powered by natural gas. Over a hundred Xcel Energy coal hoppers sit idle at the plant, their final disposition as yet unknown.
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Photo ID: 110747
Date Shot
Photo By
Sunday, July 21, 2024 Kevin Morgan
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Cherokee Power Station
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots XCLX
This blue building houses a rotary dump. When coal trains powered the power plant here, trains were pulled through this building. One car at a time, the car was secured to the track and the entire car was rotated upside down to dump out the coal. Underground conveyor belts took the coal to the plant. This rotary dump has now been silent for seven years, likely to never be active again, as the power plant is now entirely fueled by natural gas.
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Photo ID: 110746
Date Shot
Photo By
Sunday, July 21, 2024 Kevin Morgan
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Cherokee Power Station
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots XCLX
Echoes of the Past

At Xcel Energy's Cherokee Power Station in northeast Denver, a string of Xcel Energy owned coal hoppers sit silent on slowly rusting rails. Until 2017, the plant was powered by coal from the Colorado high country. For the last seven years, the plant has been fired exclusively by natural gas. The coal trains were emptied in the rotary dump within the blue building to the left.
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Photo ID: 105752
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016 Kevin Morgan
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Simms Street
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) XCLX
Why take a picture of a coal hopper? Because they are becoming less and less common. The hoppers that say XCLX on the side seem to be dropping off particularly fast, as Xcel Energy is refactoring many of its plants to burn natural gas rather than coal.
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