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Photo ID: 107740
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Tuesday, October 16, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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State Bridge
Eagle County, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
Despite being on the wrong side of the tracks (as far as the sun goes), UP 1988 looks mighty fine as it rounds the curve at State Bridge along the banks of the Colorado River.
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Photo ID: 107459
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West Wolcott
Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
When exploring Tennessee Pass at various times in the past few years, I have seen some growth of bushes near, and even encroaching on, the rails. However, I have not seen anything like this tree at the west end of Wolcott. It has grown to well over ten feet, right between the rails!
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Photo ID: 107458
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West Wolcott
Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
In addition to the weeds growing, a few rocks have also gathered near the rails of the siding of Wolcott. The signal head from the siding has been removed. You can still see the pole for the signal with a "P" plate in the distance.
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Photo ID: 107457
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West Wolcott
Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
The west end of Wolcott is located right at milepost 319, as you can see here. It is interesting to note that this is the location at which the original Rio Grande (over Tennessee Pass) is closest to the Denver & Salt Lake mainline (now the Moffat), with the exception of the Dotsero Cutoff, of course. Bond is just about ten miles to the north, as the crow flies, from Wolcott.
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Photo ID: 107456
Date Shot
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West Wolcott
Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
The siding diverging quite a bit from the main track at the west end of Wolcott. In between the main and the siding, this tree has sprouted and appears to be flourishing.
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Photo ID: 107455
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West of Wolcott
Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
Just west of Wolcott, the tracks wrap around a near-90° curve, following along the Eagle River. Note the "X" sign, indicating the grade crossing ahead. There was once a slide fence here, though the wires have long since been removed. If you look closely, you can just see the signal at the west end of Wolcott in the top-left quadrant of the shot.
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Photo ID: 107454
Date Shot
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West of Wolcott
Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
A few cattails grow along and between the rails as we look to the west toward Eagle and Gypsum.
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Photo ID: 107453
Date Shot
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West of Wolcott
Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
These classic "No Trespassing" signs disappeared from along the Moffat (and the rest of the Rio Grande) relatively quickly after SP and, in particular, UP moved in. However, you can still find some near-perfect example along the Tennessee Pass mainline.
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Photo ID: 107452
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Sunday, May 6, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West of Wolcott
Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Rio Grande, Union Pacific
A few miles east of the town of Eagle, we look east along the Tennessee Pass mainline. The tracks here follow US-6 and I-70. US-6 is visible off to the right. The mountains in the distance represent the challenges that lay ahead for the line, up the 3% grade, to conquer Tennessee Pass.
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Photo ID: 107438
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Friday, April 27, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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East of Dotsero
Eagle County, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Amtrak
The Zephyr has almost completed the (near) 36 miles trip over the Dotsero Cutoff from Bond to Dotsero. After Dotsero, the train will enter in to Glenwood Canyon before making a 15 minute station stop at Glenwood Springs and then continue west on its journey.
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Photo ID: 107437
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Friday, April 27, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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Eagle County, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Amtrak
After meeting its eastbound counterpart, the westbound Zephyr rolls through the siding at Range. Restricted to 30 MPH through the siding, the train will accelerate back up to about 50 MPH once it clears the west switch.
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Photo ID: 107436
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Friday, April 27, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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Eagle County, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Amtrak
Even though the Winter Park Express stopped running a month earlier, it would appear that at least one of the Superliners used on the train still has its "wrap" (a sponsorship by Lyft) on it! This coach is on the Eastbound Zephyr, meeting its counterpart at Range.
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Photo ID: 107435
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Friday, April 27, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West of Dell
Eagle County, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Amtrak
The Westbound Zephyr glides downhill parallel to the Colorado River about two miles west of the siding of Dell. It's another nine miles (roughly) to the next siding of Range. Even though the Dotsero Cutoff is nearly 36 miles long, there are only two sidings in that stretch! To use an east slope analogy, that is like going from North Yard to Rollins with only two sidings!
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Photo ID: 107434
Date Shot
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Friday, April 27, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West of Dell
Eagle County, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Amtrak
The siding of Dell is a difficult one to shoot as it is in a canyon that is secluded from the road. However, there is a nice shot of the tracks a few miles west of Dell. Here, the Zephyr comes in to view through an S-Curve.
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Photo ID: 107433
Date Shot
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Friday, April 27, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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East of Dell
Eagle County, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Amtrak
About three miles east of the siding of Dell, on the Dotsero Cutoff, we find the westbound Zephyr as it continues to follow the Colorado River. The train is crossing over a small trestle for Teepee Creek, which joins the Colorado here.
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