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Photo ID: 107350
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Sunday, March 4, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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East of Dotsero
Eagle County, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
The westbound Zephyr glides along the Colorado River just a few miles east of Dotsero. AMTK 156 was taken off the Winter Park Express a week earlier as the Zephyr needed it for power. It was then returned to Chicago for a 92-day inspection, and is now back on the Zephyr once again!
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Photo ID: 107349
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Sunday, March 4, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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East of Dotsero
Eagle County, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
The curves of the track along the Dotsero Cutoff are, in general, not quite as tight as those on other parts of the Moffat. As a result, the Zephyr is able to move along the cutoff at speeds around 50 MPH. Here, the Zephyr is at track speed as it glides down the grade that averages around 0.3%.
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Photo ID: 107348
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Sunday, March 4, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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Eagle County, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
If you look closely, you can see a clear signal on the main near the top of the frame for the eastbound Zephyr. meanwhile, the switch at the west end of Range is about to throw. Neither Zephyr would have to stop here, creating what is referred to as a "rolling meet".
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Photo ID: 107347
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Sunday, March 4, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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Eagle County, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
One of the coolest sidings to witness meets at is the 7,700 foot long siding of Range. Colorado River Road goes over a hill to the west, giving in interesting perspective of this very long and straight siding. Frequently the eastbound and westbound Zephyrs will meet here, and today is no exception.
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Photo ID: 107346
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Sunday, March 4, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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East of Dotsero
Eagle County, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
The Eastbound Zephyr just left Dotsero and is now on the Dotsero Cutoff. The cutoff was started in 1932 and was completed in 1934. The cutoff, running nearly 40 miles, connected the mainline of the Denver and Salt Lake at Bond, CO to the mainline of the Denver and Rio Grande Western at Dotsero, CO. By the 1930s, the D&RGW controlled the D&SL, so the cutoff created a far more direct route between Denver and Salt Lake City.
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Photo ID: 107337
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Saturday, March 3, 2018 Kevin Morgan
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West of Bond
Eagle County, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Amtrak
The eastbound Zephyr rolls along the Colorado River just west of Bond. The train is getting close to the east end of the Glenwood Springs Sub and will soon move over to the Moffat Tunnel Sub.
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Photo ID: 106179
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Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Kevin Morgan
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East of Range
Eagle County, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Union Pacific
After a fantastic chase from Winter Park, this would be the last shot of this manager's special for the day. The light was already quickly fading, but the road bridge over the Colorado River (directly behind the photographer) was closed! Crews are working on widening the bridge to two lanes and had the single lane bridge blocked. We would wait another 20 minutes after the train passed before the bridge opened up.
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Photo ID: 106178
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Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Kevin Morgan
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West of Bond
Eagle County, CO
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Glenwood Springs (UP) Union Pacific
With a fresh crew that got on the train at Bond, this manager's special follows the Colorado River on the Dotsero Cutoff. The pair of brand new ET44AHs look mighty fine on the point of the train. I'm not sure why several UP vice presidents were taking a tour of the Moffat...although I'd like to think it is preparation for lowering the floor in the Moffat Tunnel so they can run double stacks! (Yeah, right...and Tennessee Pass will open right after that!)
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Photo ID: 106175
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Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Kevin Morgan
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CP DS124 (West Yarmony)
Eagle County, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
A westbound manager's special follows along the Colorado River at the west switch of Yarmony. The train has made pretty good time on the trip west out of Denver, getting from North Yard to this point at Yarmony in about five hours. The train could have been here about 40 minutes sooner, had it not needed to stop at Tabernash to wait for the eastbound California Zephyr.
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Photo ID: 106174
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Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Kevin Morgan
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CP DS123 (East Yarmony)
Eagle County, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
An eastbound coal load, which just came off the Craig Branch, sits in the siding at Yarmony to wait for UP's Manager Special. The conductor from the coal train gives a friendly wave to the engineer on the special. Notice anything unusual about the power on the coal train? You may have noticed that the second unit is an SD70M. It is exceptionally rare to find a unit with DC-traction motors on coal trains these days. There is some speculation that, with the closing of Burnham, UP has to grab whatever power they can find when a units with AC-traction fails.
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Photo ID: 105348
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Saturday, July 11, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific
A closer look at the rock slides that have come down on the siding at Belden. A good portion of the siding is completely buried in rocks or dirt. In terms of clearing the tracks (if that were ever to be done), Belden would likely be some of the hardest work on the line.
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Photo ID: 105347
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Saturday, July 11, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific
One of the most interesting features of the siding of Belden is that the main and the siding run on opposite sides of the canyon from one another! There was not enough room on either side of the canyon for two tracks, so Rio Grande just built tracks on both sides of the canyon. As you can see here, the siding is in very rough shape. Multiple rock slides have come down on the rails, completely blocking the siding.
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Photo ID: 105343
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Saturday, July 11, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific
The tracks move from the (geographic) west side of U.S. 24 to the east side of U.S. 24 at Pando. The overpass offers a great view of the tracks both to the east and the west. This shot here is looking east. Would be a great shot of a westbound, particularly in the morning in the summer months.
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Photo ID: 105341
Date Shot
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Saturday, July 11, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific
Here is a classic view taken at Pando from the U.S. 24 overpass. Many pictures were taken over the years of eastbounds attacking the steep grade from this bridge. Today, huge bushes (as tall as 10 feet high) have grown alongside and in the middle of the siding here at Pando!
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Photo ID: 105340
Date Shot
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Saturday, July 11, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Eagle County, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific
Pando is an 8,200 foot long siding located about six miles west of the summit of Tennessee Pass. It is in an open valley that was once home to Camp Hale. Camp Hale was a US Army camp built in 1942 to help train members in the armed forces to fight in winter conditions. the camp remained opened until 1965 when the land was given to the U.S. Forest Service. While it was open, soldier came and went by means of rail and a depot, now gone, at Pando.
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