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Photo ID: 105146
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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North Yard
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots Union Pacific
If you look, you are likely to find shots taken from this same basic perspective over the years. 30 years ago, you'd probably see a pair of Rio Grande GP30s sitting along the tracks outside the yard office. And, of course, the UP shield would not have been there, but "Rio Grande" in fly letters would have been, along the top of the tower.
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Photo ID: 105145
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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North Yard
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots Union Pacific
A pair of sharp-looking GP40-2s sit on the "run around" track in North Yard, awaiting their next assignment. One of these two units is very familiar with North Yard as it has called it home for a very long time. UP 1359 started life as DRGW 3118. It was patched to its current number on September 15, 2005 and received a full repaint in 2013. UP 1459, 100 numbers higher, started life as (Cotton Belt) SSW 7600. It was patched in 2002 and fell into solid UP colors around the same time as UP 1359.
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Photo ID: 104584
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Sunday, March 2, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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North Yard
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots KYLE
I'm not huge into rolling stock, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to nab a quick shot of this blue-schemed "Route Rock" Rock Island boxcar. It is now owned by the KYLE railroad and has, unfortunately, fallen victim to some heavy tagging.
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Photo ID: 104583
Date Shot
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Sunday, March 2, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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North Yard
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots Union Pacific
Hostlers move a cut of units from the servicing tracks to the ready tracks in North Yard. UP 7050 was delivered as an AC6000CW but has since been converted to a 4400 HP unit as redesignated as a C44/60AC.
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Photo ID: 104582
Date Shot
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Sunday, March 2, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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North Yard
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots Union Pacific
Since coal tends to dominate the scene in Denver, AC units tend to be quite a bit more common that DC units. Still, DC units find their way to town on other trains such as manifests. This C44-9W sits quietly outside the North Yard engine shop, the victim of some light "tagging" on the long hood. This particular unit started life wearing the Chicago North Western lightning scheme.
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Photo ID: 104503
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Saturday, October 19, 2013 Kevin Morgan
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North Yard
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Regardless of the paint scheme, I really love seeing good old spartan cabs hanging around North Yard! One of these units in particular has been around North Yard for a very long time. UP 1349 was once DRGW 3128, one of the last GP40-2s delivered to the Grande. It was patched on May 16, 2005 and received a full repaint in April 2007. At that time, the Mars light was removed and air conditioning was added.
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Photo ID: 104502
Date Shot
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Saturday, October 19, 2013 Kevin Morgan
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North Yard
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots Union Pacific
With two rail yards in Denver, it seems possible that North Yard could be deemed redundant and abandoned in favor of 36th Street Yard. Then again, the opposite could be said. Regardless, I am grateful that the rails representing Rio Grande are still being used beneath 48th Avenue.
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Photo ID: 104501
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Saturday, October 19, 2013 Kevin Morgan
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North Yard
Denver, CO
(1 Comment Posted)
Yard Shots Southern Pacific, Union Pacific
This is one of only two unpatched Espee GP60s left on UP's roster at this time, the other being SP 9721. The paint is definitely looking a little shoddy, but I felt pretty lucky to come across one of the only "unassimilated" units left on UP's roster! Unfortunately, the unit was pretty well tucked back in North Yard, so I had to settle for this "over the fence", "from a distance shot" from 48th Avenue.
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Photo ID: 104500
Date Shot
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Saturday, October 19, 2013 Kevin Morgan
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North Yard
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots Union Pacific
So much in this shot has changed over the years and so much has stayed the same. The track configuration and rolling stock sitting in the yard hasn't changed much. The type of power and color scheme has changed dramatically! 30 years ago, this was the main yard for the Rio Grande and there was a sea of Black and Aspen Gold here. 20 years ago, Scarlet Gray had moved in. Today, Armour Yellow dominates as North Yard is now just a small, local yard on Union Pacific's vast system.
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Photo ID: 104354
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Saturday, February 23, 2013 Kevin Morgan
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North Yard
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots Union Pacific
The ES44AC (or, as UP designated it, the C45ACCTE) is the latest and greatest offered by General Electric. Granted this particular unit, spotted in North Yard, could stand a bath at this point!
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Photo ID: 104353
Date Shot
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Saturday, February 23, 2013 Kevin Morgan
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North Yard
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots Union Pacific, Southern Pacific
The big yellow patch, just like the one seen here, has now been applied to all but 11 of the 273 AC4400CWs that Espee had on their roster. The scarlet and gray is fading and not looking too well. Unfortunately, Espee is getting very close to being nothing more than a museum railroad.
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Photo ID: 104352
Date Shot
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Saturday, February 23, 2013 Kevin Morgan
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North Yard
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots Union Pacific
Oh the wye near Kalamath Street, hostlers are turning around a stretch of six units. A very dirty UP 6668 is the lead unit.
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Photo ID: 104351
Date Shot
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Saturday, February 23, 2013 Kevin Morgan
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North Yard
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots Union Pacific
The SD70ACe is, of course, the latest and greatest power offered by EMD. This particular units joined UP's roster in 2008 as part of an order of 50 such units. They are not super common in Denver as there is such a focus on coal in Denver and SD70ACes, at this point, are seldom - if ever - used as coal power.
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Photo ID: 104350
Date Shot
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Saturday, February 23, 2013 Kevin Morgan
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North Yard
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots Union Pacific
UP is in the process of renumbering their 309 SD9043MACs. The units have spent their entire lives in the 8000-8308 number range. Now, in order to make room for new power, the units are being moved to a number range that, for several decades, was held by UP's SD40-2 force. It looks quite odd to see this unit with such a lower number after 17 years.
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Photo ID: 104349
Date Shot
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Saturday, February 23, 2013 Kevin Morgan
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North Yard
Denver, CO
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Yard Shots Union Pacific
This GP38-2 has certainly seen better days. However, it is a testament to the quality of EMD power that this nearly 35-year-old unit is still on the rails. Sure hope EMD can find some new life under Caterpillar.
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