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Photo ID: 104846
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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MP 634.5 (Sandown)
Denver, CO
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Limon (UP) Union Pacific
Just as on the northwest side of Denver, there is a lot of construction going on along the east side as well. Commuter rails are being constructed between Denver Union Station and Denver International Airport. Much of the commuter rail trackage parallels UPs Limon Sub. UP is also adding a second main track for several miles as well as CTC to part of the Limon Sub. Here, a UP coal load heads east on what will become Main 1 once the second main is brought in to service.
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Photo ID: 104847
Date Shot
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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MP 634.5 (Sandown)
Denver, CO
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Limon (UP) Union Pacific
This scene shows another example of the large amounts of construction. The bridge and track this coal load is on was here five years ago. The other bridges and three tracks were not. Once activated, UP will have two main tracks here, both controlled by CTC (instead of the track warrants the currently control it). The two rails in the background are commuter rail tracks that will be activated in 2016.
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Photo ID: 104848
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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CP K627 (West Mesa)
Aurora, CO
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Limon (UP) Union Pacific
This eastbound coal load is slowly approaching a red signal at the west switch of Mesa. The conductor was copying a new track warrant from DS-86, and a green signal would shortly follow. The bridge in the distance is new and will carry the commuter rail line north to Denver International Airport. A major fall thunderstorm is moving in to town from the west.
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Photo ID: 104849
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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CP DS013 (West Leyden)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) BNSF
A major thunderstorm darkens the eastern sky, making for a nice backdrop against this westbound BNSF manifest sitting on the mainline at Leyden. The train had to stop here for several hours due to a communication failure between the head end and the sole DPU on the rear.
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Photo ID: 104850
Date Shot
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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CP DS013 (West Leyden)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) BNSF
Like dramatic weather? The first day of October in 2014 was a good day for it around the Denver area! Crazy clouds hover over this Denver to Provo manifest that happens to have a early production ES44DC. BNSF started to take delivery on the ES44DC in January 2005 (nearly 10 years ago already). Since the "New Image" scheme came a little later in 2005, some of these early ES44DCs were delivered in the Heritage 2 scheme.
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Photo ID: 104851
Date Shot
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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CP DS013 (West Leyden)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Canadian Pacific
Canadian units don't make it to Colorado all that often, so it is always fun to see a stray red unit on a train. Participating in some power sharing, this Canadian Pacific AC4400CW is second out on BNSF Denver, CO to Provo, UT trackage rights manifest. From the looks of it, seems like a new paint job may not be too far off in the future for this beat up trooper.
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Photo ID: 104852
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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CP DS012 (East Leyden)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
Do to some several things beyond their control, the crew of the West Local is getting a late start for the day. A BNSF manifest is stuck on the main at Leyden, requiring the local to run through the siding. The local was a good size on this particular afternoon with covered hoppers headed for the cement plant on Rocky Spur and several high side gondolas that will be dropped off in the house track at Rocky.
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Photo ID: 104853
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Chemical (MP 14.5)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
UP 1479, a recent transfer to the Denver area, leads the West Local on the main west of Leyden. UP 1479 started out as SP 7109, a GP40. It went through Espee's rebuild program in March of 1991 and was upgraded to Dash-2 specs and is now a GP40M-2. It was patched to its current number on September 28, 2001.
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Photo ID: 104854
Date Shot
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Chemical (MP 14.5)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
As the grade increases, the engineer of the West Local throttles up a bit and the second unit lets a little exhaust go. The wind is blowing pretty good, taking some low-lying quickly across Welton Reservoir. There is no former Rio Grande power on the West Local on this day. All this power was once scarlet and gray! Including the middle GP40-2 which was once Cotton Belt as SSW 7963.
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Photo ID: 104855
Date Shot
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014 Kevin Morgan
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Chemical (MP 14.5)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
The west local head west, ducking under some low hanging clouds, as it passes the intermediate signal at Chemical. In addition to its standard compliment of covered hoppers, the train has eleven high side gondolas that will be dropped off at Rocky (in the house track) for maintenance of way.
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