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Photo ID: 105356
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Henderson (MP 14.1)
Henderson, CO
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Greeley (UP) Union Pacific
Cheyenne Frontier Days! Believe it or not, but it has been six years since I actually go track side for the event. As you may or may not have heard, 2015 was the second year that Union Pacific did not have an operable steam engine for Frontier Days. However, a trio of classic E-units and a DDA40X make for some might fine power for the day.
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Photo ID: 105357
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Henderson (MP 14.1)
Henderson, CO
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Greeley (UP) Union Pacific
UP maintains two E9As and an E9B. They are a part of the Union Pacific heritage fleet and they look sharp. They, along with DDA40X #6936, lead the Cheyenne Frontier Days passenger special north at 144th Avenue south of Brighton. I like the Colorado and Wyoming state flags on the cab.
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Photo ID: 105358
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Henderson (MP 14.1)
Henderson, CO
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Greeley (UP) Union Pacific
Union Pacific is a real class act when it comes to heritage equipment. Decades after the last DDA40X was retired from revenue service, UP 6936 still run and can, from time to time, be found on the rails. Such was the case on this July day when it was assisting as power on the Cheyenne Frontier Days passenger special.
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Photo ID: 105359
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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North of Platteville
Platteville, CO
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Greeley (UP) Union Pacific
It is a perfect morning for the annual running of the Cheyenne Frontier Days passenger special. We are just north of Platteville here as the train glides by. With no operable steam this year, UP used the E-units and the DD40AX for power.
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Photo ID: 105360
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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North of Platteville
Platteville, CO
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Greeley (UP) Union Pacific
There are rumors that UP no longer has the (custom) spare parts necessary to maintain 6936. If true, it means it is possible the massive DDA40X will no longer be able to run once one of those custom parts breaks. Whether these rumors are true or not, I'm an uncertain. But with even the possibility, it is good to get as many pictures now as possible!
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Photo ID: 105361
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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CP W073 (North Nunn)
Nunn, CO
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Greeley (UP) Union Pacific
Watch Nunn Grow! That is the motto that is stenciled on the water tower that stands tall over the small town, whose population is just under 500. Also in the frame is the Cheyenne Frontier Days special with UP's E9s and DDA40X leading.
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Photo ID: 105362
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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North of Nunn
Nunn, CO
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Greeley (UP) Union Pacific
Four units that haven't seen revenue service in decades work together for Cheyenne Frontier Days. The E-units are only E-units on the outside. On the inside, they've been rebuilt and are now, in essence, GP38-2s. They are each rated at 2,000 horsepower. The DDA40X, on the other hand, is still rated at a full 6,600 horsepower.
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Photo ID: 105363
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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CP W511
Cheyenne, WY
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Laramie (UP) Union Pacific
The Cheyenne Frontier Days Special is closing in on its destination! The train is currently on Main 4 and approaching CP W511 at the west end of Cheyenne. At CP W511, the train will cross over all the way from Main 4 to Main 1 and pull in to the Cheyenne Depot to allow its passengers to detrain.
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Photo ID: 105364
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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CP W511
Cheyenne, WY
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Laramie (UP) Union Pacific
The E-unit and the DDA40X on Cheyenne Frontier Days are "home". When not in use, they are typically kept and maintained in Cheyenne at the roundhouse. You may have noticed that there is no nose door on UP 951. UP welded it shut and painted over the seams a few years ago.
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Photo ID: 105365
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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CP W511
Cheyenne, WY
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Laramie (UP) Union Pacific
Old meets new! On the right side of this picture, we find a trio of SD70s (an SD70ACe sandwiched by two SD70Ms) on a train stopped on Main 1. The power on that train is all from the 21st century. Meanwhile, on the left side of the picture, we have a trio of E9s (an E9B sandwiched, of course, by two E9As) and a DDA40X. The E9s haven't seen revenue service since the 1950s! The DDA40X is only slightly more recent, last seeing revenue service in the 1970s.
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Photo ID: 105366
Date Shot
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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CP W511
Cheyenne, WY
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Laramie (UP) Union Pacific
The journey is almost over! It has been a beautiful ride for passengers on Cheyenne Frontier Days, but the (morning) ride is nearly over. The train just received permission to enter "Form B" limits at Cheyenne and will cross over from Main 4 to Main 1 at CP W511. A "Form B" is a special form that allows train maintenance to occur on the tracks. No train can enter (or, once coming to a stop, move within) Form B limits without explicit verbal consent from the track foreman in charge.
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Photo ID: 105367
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Borie (CP W519)
Laramie County, WY
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Laramie (UP) Union Pacific
An eastbound grain train comes around the bend at Borie on Main 1. If you look closely, you'll notice a track running across the picture coming out left from the near the signals. This is the "Borie Cutoff", which runs from Mains 1 and 2 over to Speer and Mains 3 and 4.
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Photo ID: 105368
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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CP W511
Cheyenne, WY
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Laramie (UP) Union Pacific
A westbound ballast train pulls out of the Cheyenne Yard, ready to head west on the Laramie Sub. The train is on Main 4, crossing underneath the BNSF Front Range Sub. The train is on Main 4 because it will actually swing south and go through Speer Junction before heading west on Main 3 to Dale Jct. Main 3 is on a totally separate grade from Mains 1 and 2 between Cheyenne and Dale Jct (near Hermosa Tunnel). Main 3 is longer, but the grade is much lower, so heavy westbounds, such as this ballast train, frequently take Main 3.
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Photo ID: 105369
Date Shot
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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Laramie County, WY
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Laramie (UP) Union Pacific
Once the Cheyenne Frontier Days special arrives in Cheyenne and its passengers detrain, the train needs to be wyed (turned around) in preparation for the return trip to Denver. The nearest why is at Speer, which is actually about eight miles away from Cheyenne. Rather than make a long (and slow) reverse move, the Granite switcher hooks on to the rear of the train. This allows the train to move at track speed. Here, UP 2525 (a fantastically shiny and new ES44AC) pulls the train through the curve, approaching the signals at Speer on Main 4.
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Photo ID: 105370
Date Shot
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Saturday, July 18, 2015 Kevin Morgan
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UP 951
Laramie County, WY
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Laramie (UP) Union Pacific
The process of wying the Cheyenne Frontier Days special is roughly halfway complete. The train is at Speer Jct, about eight miles outside Cheyenne. Here, the train is coming down one leg of the wye. This leg connects Mains 3 and 4 with the Greeley Subdivision toward Denver.
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