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Photo ID: 108434
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Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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Rocky (7,330ft)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Amtrak
One of the "Big Game" P42DCs leads the westbound Zephyr on the main at Rocky by a short UP work train sitting in the siding. The train is coordinating with maintenance guys on the ground.
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Photo ID: 108435
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Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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Big Ten Curve (MP 19.5 to MP 20.2)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Amtrak
The morning Zephyr...which is currently the late morning Zephyr, running as #1105 instead of #5, wraps around 180°+ turn of Big Ten Curve. Alas, all of the hoppers on the inside of the curve, which serve as a wind break, are covered in graffiti.
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Photo ID: 108436
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Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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Eisele (Clay) (5,780 ft)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Amtrak
AMTK 189 has been the trailing unit on the Zephyr for the past few weeks, but it looks like Amtrak did some shuffling around in Chicago as the "Big Game" unti is now on the point, leading the train west. Engines seem to stay on the same long distance train, in general, for 4-6 round trips before being rotated off. That's not any kind of hard-and-fast rule, just seems to be the normal based on general observation.
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Photo ID: 108437
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Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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West of Rocky
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
A short, 2-car work train makes its west west out of Rocky and up Big Ten Curve. When it gets up to Eisele (Clay), it'll back in to the siding from the west end, hook up to the cars in the siding (above in the frame), and back all the cars down to the siding at Rocky.
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Photo ID: 108438
Date Shot
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Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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Big Ten Curve (MP 19.5 to MP 20.2)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
Got tie plates? These gondolas have a ton of tie plates in them, presumable to be used as part of a tie and/or rail replacement project on the Moffat. The crew on this train is headed up to the Eisele (Clay) where it will pick up the rest of the gondolas (in the background) and back down the main to the siding at Rocky.
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Photo ID: 108439
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Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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CP DS019 (West Rocky)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
An empty UP coal train blasts out the west end of Rocky on its way west. The train has 143 cars and is nearly 8,000 feet long. The original symbol had the train headed for the Antelope Mine in Wyoming, but the termination point was changed to Provo, UT. The reason? Not entirely sure. Perhaps the train will load at the Savage load out near Price? Perhaps the cars are going in to storage? Only UP knows for sure...
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Photo ID: 108440
Date Shot
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Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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Big Ten Curve (MP 19.5 to MP 20.2)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
A shot that really puts the "S" in "S-curve"! This coal empty, which has 143 cars and is just over 7,700 feet long, stretches from Big Ten Loop down through Little Ten Loop near west Rocky. The cars are headed for Provo, UT. The exact reason is not clear.
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Photo ID: 108441
Date Shot
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Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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Eisele (Clay) (5,780 ft)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
This is why the area around Big Ten Loop is a great place to hang out and watch trains! At first glance, it would be easy to think there are two trains in this shot. But it is indeed just a single coal empty, stretching from the east switch of Eisele (Clay) down to just west of the west switch of Rocky. Must be interesting for the crew to look down the hill at the end of their train.
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Photo ID: 108442
Date Shot
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Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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Eisele (Clay) (5,780 ft)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
A westbound coal empty passes by a UP work train, currently sitting in the siding at Eisele (Clay). After this 7,700-foot empty passes by, the work train will back out of the east end of Eisele all the way down to the siding at Rocky.
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Photo ID: 108443
Date Shot
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Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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Eisele (Clay) (5,780 ft)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
Looks straight down on a westbound coal empty (currently travelling geographically north) on the main at Eisele (Clay). The empty is passing by a work train that has a single unit with 10 gondolas. Many of the gondolas are filled with tied plates, used to secure the rail to ties.
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Photo ID: 108444
Date Shot
Photo By
Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Kevin Morgan
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Eisele (Clay) (5,780 ft)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific
The gondolas on this work train are filled with tied plates (in some of the cars) and scraps of rail (in other cars). These cars have been sitting on the siding here at Eisele (Clay) for about a week. The siding has been out of service while the cars have been here. The siding is back in service now, and the train will soon back down to the siding at Rocky.
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