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Photo ID: 102302
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Saturday, August 23, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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Winter Park (DS057)
Winter Park, CO
(1 Comment Posted)
Moffat Tunnel (UP) Ski Train
Overcast skies just seemed to demand that this picture appear in black and white! Nobody is aboard the Kansas on this particular day as it sits near the (classic DRGW) signal at the east end of Winter Park.
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Photo ID: 102301
Date Shot
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Saturday, August 23, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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Winter Park (DS057)
Winter Park, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Ski Train
An afternoon storm has moved into Winter Park as the Ski Train stops to pick up its passengers. The train is just long enough that the last few cars hold in the OS section at the east end of Winter Park.
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Photo ID: 102300
Date Shot
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Saturday, August 23, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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Winter Park (DS057)
Winter Park, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Ski Train
The vestibule on Car 13 (the Colorado Springs) is open and ready to receive passenger! The Ski Train is sitting on the main at Winter Park, waiting for its summer departure time at 3:00pm. Note the unique disk brakes used on all the Ski Train cars (save the bike car and the private cars).
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Photo ID: 102299
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Saturday, August 23, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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Fraser, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) BNSF, Ski Train
About a half hour before the Ski Train is ready to leave Fraser, a westbound BNSF manifest headed for Provo, UT passes the platform. The Ski Train passed this exact same train a few hour earlier down at C&S Junction!
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Photo ID: 102298
Date Shot
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Saturday, August 23, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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Fraser, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Ski Train
Once the Ski Train has been wyed at Tabernash, it returns to the siding of Fraser. There, the train waits until it is time to return to Winter Park to pick up its passengers for the trip home. Fortunately, Fraser is less than 5,000 feet in length, making it a seldom-used siding by UP dispatchers (as most trains exceed then length of the siding).
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Photo ID: 102297
Date Shot
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Saturday, August 23, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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Winter Park (DS057)
Winter Park, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Ski Train
Ski Train volunteers work their legs (not their backs!) to unload the 37 bikes brought along by passengers. While a ramp is available in the car, the ballast makes using the ramp a bit unpredictable, so bikes are typically lifted.
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Photo ID: 102296
Date Shot
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Saturday, August 23, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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Winter Park (DS057)
Winter Park, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Ski Train
The Ski Train has come to a stop at the east end of Winter Park. The train is just past the OS section which gives just enough room for the Kansas (on the tail end) to site near the west portal of the Moffat Tunnel. Note the passengers de-training in the distance.
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Photo ID: 102291
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Saturday, August 23, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Ski Train
During the summer runs, the Ski Train adds a "Bike Car" to the consist. This car has been converted to carry mountain bikes up to Winter Park (at no extra cost) so passengers can get some exercise for the day! Here, a Ski Train volunteer wheels a bike up the ramp toward the open door.
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Photo ID: 102290
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Saturday, August 23, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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Union Station
Denver, CO
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Denver Union Terminal (RTD) Ski Train
The three Ski Train F40PHs - SKTX 242, SKTX 283 and SKTX 289 - are sitting on Track Two about a half hour before departing for Winter Park. This will be the final run of the Ski Train for the 2008 Summer Season.
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Photo ID: 102264
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Saturday, August 16, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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MP 23
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Ski Train
I almost missed this shot on account of water running into my eye! I forgot a hat and water dripped off my hair in my face right at the "clutch" moment! The Ski Train is coming west out of Tunnel One, not far behind a late-running California Zephyr.
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Photo ID: 102263
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Saturday, August 16, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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MP 22
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Ski Train
A whether record was set on Colorado on this particular day. It was the coolest high temperature for August 16th recorded in the Denver area! As the Ski Train comes west out of Clay, it is pouring rain and only about 50 degrees out.
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Photo ID: 102207
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Saturday, July 19, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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East Portal (DS050)
Tolland, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Ski Train
Sometimes when you go after a train - even when things are setup just right - you can still manage to get burned! Case-in-point was this particular morning. Just west of Rollins, along East Portal Road, I had a descent lead on the Ski Train. Then, I come around a corner and see two cars both going 15 MPH (half the speed limit). With two cars on a dirt road like this, it isn't safe to pass...and they show no signs of pulling over. The Ski Train comes and blows past us! When I finally got around, I had no chance to catch back up. This was the only view of the Ski Train I got on this morning.
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Photo ID: 102204
Date Shot
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Saturday, July 12, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Ski Train
A classic view from Plainview that I first remember seeing in pictures my dad took by around 1980. The trees have grown taller and a lot of the train have changed, but Grande Gold with Flat Irons never gets old!
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Photo ID: 102203
Date Shot
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Saturday, July 12, 2008 Kevin Morgan
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Plain (DS024)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Ski Train
It can be a fun challenge to find places to shoot the Ski Train heading west in the morning light. I like this spot at Plainview. The cut on the east side of the tracks blocks the direct sunlight from hitting the lens. The morning sun does a nice job lighting up the side of the Ski Train as it is nearing the halfway point on the journey west.
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Photo ID: 102202
Date Shot
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Saturday, July 12, 2008 Kevin Morgan
Times Viewed
MP 17
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Ski Train
Another run for the Summer Ski Train as the train passes milepost 17. The private car with the Vista Dome - California - does not run on the train in the summer months due to the difficulties in climate control. However, note the addition of the bike car directly behind the lead units.
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