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Photo ID: 104160
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Monday, March 19, 2012 Kevin Morgan
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Byers Canyon
Hot Sulphur Springs, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
You may not know it just from this picture, but this is a rather special GP40-2 on UP's roster. You may have guessed at this point that this is a former Rio Grande GP40-2...and you'd be correct. However, this was the first Rio Grande unit to be assimilated in to (and painted in) Union Pacific yellow. In mid-1997, DRGW 3122 had the "honor" of receiving the first repaint on Rio Grande's roster. The unit has somehow managed to keep it's original UP number (5245) and has also managed to stay in Colorado working on locals for the past 15 years, working out of Colorado Springs, North Yard (in Denver) and Grand Junction.
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Photo ID: 104133
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Sunday, March 4, 2012 Kevin Morgan
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Kipling (MP 9.8)
Arvada, CO
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Moffat Tunnel (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Had to get a "roster shot" of these classic signals which have stood here at Kipling street for decades. They are now in their final few months (possibly even weeks) of service along the Moffat. They will be replaced with the new intermediate signals, seen in this shot.
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Photo ID: 103995
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 262.8 (East Kobe)
Twin Lakes, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Here is a portion of Tennessee Pass that never even had the chance to be converted from jointed rail to welded rail! East of Kobe, the mainline is still all "stick track". The classic Rio Grande scoria ballast looks fantastic though, as does the 35 MPH speed sign.
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Photo ID: 103994
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 262.8 (East Kobe)
Twin Lakes, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
The clouds started to play havoc on me by the time I made it to the east switch of Kobe (my last stop on this short journey over some of Tennessee Pass). Looking west, like at so many other locations, the siding name has worn completely off the signal box. And, it would appear, the dwarf signal on the siding has been completely removed, probably for parts.
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Photo ID: 103993
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 270.7 (East Malta)
Leadville, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Look east out the east end of Malta, the name has all but been worn off of the signal control box. Unlike several other locations, the signal at east Malta is still standing, apparently intact.
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Photo ID: 103992
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 270.7 (East Malta)
Leadville, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Even at 10,000 feet, the weeds are making descent progress at burying the siding near the east end of the siding of Malta. This is the siding closest to Leadville and the location where the lead to the yard at Leadville left the mainline. The lead and the yard in Leadville were remove many, many years ago.
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Photo ID: 103991
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 281.2 (West Tennessee Pass)
Leadville, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
A look west out of the west end of Tennessee Pass toward the east portal of the tunnel. I found it interesting how many joints there seemed to be on the siding. There may be a little bit of a telephoto compression effect here, but not much. The joints seem to come every 15 or 20 feet long the entire siding.
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Photo ID: 103990
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 281.2 (West Tennessee Pass)
Leadville, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Looking west at the west end of Tennessee Pass, there is no longer a signal to tell trains what the condition is departing the block...then again, there aren't any trains either, so I guess the lack of a signal is irrelevant.
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Photo ID: 103989
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 281.2 (West Tennessee Pass)
Leadville, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
The stamp on this rail indicates that it was made in 1980 at the Colorado Fuel and Iron plant near Pueblo. Other than the significant amount of rust that has accumulated on the rails, the track appears to be in pretty good condition.
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Photo ID: 103988
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 281.2 (West Tennessee Pass)
Leadville, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
One of the biggest problems caused by the inactivity on Tennessee Pass (as you expect) appears to be rust. Much of the paint on this switch machine is gone, leaving behind a lot of rust.
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Photo ID: 103987
Date Shot
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 281.2 (West Tennessee Pass)
Leadville, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
An up close look at the "General Railway Signal Co" stamped on to the switch machine located at west Tennessee Pass. Unfortunately, this particular switch machine hasn't had power running to it 15 years!
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Photo ID: 103986
Date Shot
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 281.2 (West Tennessee Pass)
Leadville, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
Powered switches in CTC territory can be placed into "hand throw" if necessary so the switch can be thrown by hand. This may happen due to a power outage (although rare) or, more likely, because a maintainer is working on the switch and needs to throw it without the dispatcher. This is a closeup view of the hand throw lever on the switch machine.
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Photo ID: 103985
Date Shot
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 281.2 (West Tennessee Pass)
Leadville, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
The west switch of Tennessee Pass siding was located very close to the east portal of the tunnel at the summit. As you can see in the picture, the signal for eastbound was positioned is such a way that trains coming through the tunnel could have a clear look at the condition of the signal.
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Photo ID: 103984
Date Shot
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 281.2 (West Tennessee Pass)
Leaville, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
All of Rio Grande's signalling equipment was manufactured by General Railway Signal Company, one of two major players in the signals and CTC market up to this day. The other is Union Switch and Signal which, since 2009, is known as Ansaldo STS.
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Photo ID: 103983
Date Shot
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 Kevin Morgan
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MP 282.2 (West Tennessee Pass)
Leadville, CO
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Tennessee Pass (UP) Union Pacific, Rio Grande
A detailed shot of the General Electric logo on the signal control box at the west end of Tennessee Pass.
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